
  • 网络Applied Chemical Industry;Applied chemical
  1. 浅析高职应用化工技术专业教学改革方向

    Developing Trend of the Teaching Reform for Applied Chemical Engineering in Higher Vocational Education

  2. 文章阐述了高职特色专业的定义和特征,着重介绍了应用化工技术特色专业建设的着力点。

    This paper discusses the definition and characteristics of feature specialty of vocational college and focuses on the impetus of construction of feature specialty of applied chemical engineering .

  3. 化学量传感器第五讲生物传感器七生物传感器的应用化工过程远程无线监控的PCIModem系统设计

    Design of PCI modem system used in remote wireless chemical process monitoring

  4. 同时应用化工流程模拟软件aspenplus和自行开发的软件对系统用能进行调优,提出了改造方案。

    Meanwhile , with chemical simulation software ( Aspen plus ) and self-developed softwares , modification project was put forward .

  5. 基于典型化工过程构建高职应用化工技术专业课程体系

    Construction of Curriculum System for Applied Chemistry Technology Specialty Based on Typical Chemistry Process

  6. 借助计算机,应用化工仿真培训系统来描述化工过程。

    With the help of the computer , the training system of chemical engineering simulation was applied to describe the chemical process .

  7. 针对原油供应情况的不确定性,应用化工过程模拟优化软件和换热网络系统软件,对某常减压装置进行了灵活加工换热网络的优化设计。

    Considering the uncertainty supply of petroleum , this paper studies the flexible process and optimum design heat exchanger networks ( HEN ) of an atmosphere-vacuum plant applying chemical engineering process simulation software and heat exchanger networks system software .

  8. 对催化裂解装置裂解气分离回收单元的中冷油吸收脱甲烷塔的主要工艺参数应用大型化工软件PROCESS进行了优化和全面分析。

    The major process parameters of demethanizer in the recovery section of FCC unit are optimized and analysed by using the chemical simulator process .

  9. 统一建模语言UML的应用是化工设备CAD软件开发技术上的一个新的突破。

    It is a new breakthrough that UML applies in the development of chemical equipment CAD software .

  10. V型填料密封广泛应用于化工、制药、食品、冶金等很多行业的机械设备中,是一种常见的密封形式。

    V-packing seal is a common form of seal and is widely used in chemical , pharmaceutical , food , metallurgy industry machinery equipments .

  11. 结果表明改性膨润土应用于化工废水处理,无机改性膨润土COD去除率最高为55.4%。

    The results of modified bentonite used in treating chemical industrial waste water showed that the highest COD removal rate of inorganic modified bentonite is 55.4 % .

  12. 分散式控制系统(DCS)广泛应用于化工生产自动化控制过程,在现代化生产过程控制中起着重要的作用。

    Distributed control system ( DCS ) is used in the production process of automation and control widely , and it plays an important role in the process .

  13. SiC耐火材料具有优良的高温性能,广泛应用于化工、冶金、能源、机械、建材、刀具等领域。

    Silicon carbide refractory materials have been widely used in chemical industry , metallurgical industry , energy , machinery , structure materials and cutting tools for their excellent high temperature property .

  14. PVDF具有优异的耐候性、抗紫外线性能和良好的力学性能,已被广泛的应用于化工、电气、电子及机械工业等各个行业。

    PVDF has been widely used in chemical , electrical , electronic and machinery industry and other industries , which has excellent weather resistance , UV resistance and mechanical properties .

  15. 作为一种广泛应用的化工材料,目前BPA被滥用于生产罐头内包装、食品包装材料、牙科填充剂、婴儿用品等塑料行业。

    At present , BPA was abused in the production of canned packaging , food packaging materials , dental fillers , baby supplies and other plastics industry .

  16. 化学镀Ni-P镀层因其具有良好的耐蚀性、耐磨性而广泛应用于化工、机械、电子等行业。

    Electroless deposited nickel-phosphorus coatings have been widely applied in many industries , such as chemical engineering , mechanical and electronic engineering , etc. due to their good anti-corrosion properties and wear resistance .

  17. Cd被广泛应用于化工、电子和核工业等领域,每年有相当数量的Cd通过废气、废水、废渣等排入环境,造成污染。

    Cd has been widely used in chemical industry , electronics industry , nuclear industry and other fields , every year a large number of Cd was released into environment through exhaust gas , waste water and waste residue in the world .

  18. 超临界流体萃取(SupercriticalFluidExtraction,简称SFE)技术是近年来国际上迅速发展起来的一种化工分离新技术,被广泛应用于化工、医药、食品、环保、材料等研究领域。

    Supercritical fluid extraction ( Supercritical Fluid Extraction , SFE ) technology is the rapid development in recent years the international community with a new chemical separation techniques , are widely used in chemical industry , medicine , food , environmental protection , materials research field .

  19. 本文通过应用大型化工工艺流程模拟软件aspenplus,举例探讨灵敏板的求取方法,为塔的平稳操作和产品质量的稳定提供了必要的保证条件。

    In this paper , the solution of finding a sensitive plate is discussed with an example by applying a simulated software ASPEN PLUS large scale chemical process , to provide the necessary guarantee for stable operation of rectification tower and a high quality produce .

  20. SAF2205双相不锈钢管道广泛地应用于化工、海洋石油平台等国民经济重要部门的建设。

    Duplex stainless steel pipes , SAF2205 , are widely used in the vital department ofthe national economy , such as chemical industries and offshore applications .

  21. 针对雷达液位计越来越广泛地应用于化工领域的液位测量。

    Radar liquid level transmitter becomes widely used in chemical fields .

  22. 流体网络理论已广泛应用于化工过程的仿真当中。

    Fluid network theory is widely used in chemical process simulation .

  23. 束流改性应用于化工设备的展望

    Modification of Beam-current and Its Possibility of Application to Chemical Pressure Vessel

  24. 一种快速全局聚类算法应用于化工建模的数据提取

    Using Fast Global Clustering Algorithm to Extract Chemical Engineering Modeling 's Training Data

  25. 应用于化工领域内的集散控制系统通信电源控制器的设计

    Design of Communication Power Supply Controller Module on DCS Applied in Chemical Industry

  26. 搅拌操作广泛应用于化工、石化等行业。

    Agitation is widely used in chemical , petrochemical and many other industries .

  27. 通过该项目的完成,应用数字化工厂技术解决白车身方案的规划与布局的研究实践,展现了数字化工厂应用的全过程。

    Through the completion of the project , the digital factory technology are applicationed .

  28. 液位测量系统广泛应用于化工、石油等行业。

    Level measurement systems are widely used in the chemical , oil and other industries .

  29. 结果:仿真实验可应用于化工原理实验教学。结论:仿真实验是一种有效的辅助教学手段。

    The teaching practice showed that simulative experiments are useful and supplementary means of teaching .

  30. 结晶作为一种固液分离技术,广泛应用于化工等生产领域。

    Crystallization as a solid-liquid separation process , is widely used in the chemical industry .