
  • 网络Collection of Receivables
  1. 介绍了应收账款的管理及应收账款的催收工作,提出了应通过加强管理和催收工作,控制应收账款的风险。

    Introduces mangement and work of urgent recall of account receivable , puts forward through strengthening management and work of urgent recall to control risk of account receivable .

  2. 国际保理业务中应收账款债权让与的法律分析国际保理是集应收账款催收、出口贸易融资、销售分户账管理、信用销售控制与坏帐担保于一体的综合性金融服务。

    International factoring is a comprehensive tool of international settlement and financing provided by factors to exporters , which involves collection of accounts receivables , export trade financing , sales ledger administration , credit control and full protection against bad debts .