
  • 网络credit period;period of credit
  1. 也许我们会考虑延长信用期。

    Maybe we would consider a longer credit period .

  2. 外贸英语培训&我们的付款条件是30天信用期,而非60天信用期,这是惯例。

    Our terms of payment are30-day credit period , not60-day credit . It 's customary .

  3. 双边不完全信息下的供应链信用期激励机制

    Coordination of supply chain with trade credit under bilateral information asymmetry

  4. 提供信用期的经济定货批量模型研究

    Study on Economic Order Quantity Model in Conditions of Providing Credit Period

  5. 他已经蹲了三十天,就有六十天的信用期

    The 30 he 's done , which is a 60 credit ,

  6. 信用期通常为30天。

    Credit is usually only given for thirty days .

  7. 如果您持续使用一个账户,我们将可以根据您的付款记录状况给予您一定的信用期。

    If you consistently use the account , we may provide you some account credits for your good payment records .

  8. 订货商在信用期内可以先将货物卖出一部分,用卖出货物得到的货款支付给供应商。订货商也可以将延期支付期内收回的货款用于其它投资,缓解资金压力,获得更高的收益。

    The money from selling the goods during the credit period can be paid to suppliers , which also can be used in other investments in order to ease the financial pressure and gain higher revenue .

  9. 定期信用支付期影响价格折扣的最优订购模型

    The Optimized Strategy of Price Discount Dependent Supplier Timed Credit

  10. 证银行议付贷款。上述信用证有效期将在装船后15天截止。

    Credit shall remain in force till the15th day after shipment .

  11. 信用证有效期至9月30日。

    The letter of credit is valid until September 30 .

  12. 船位拥挤使我们不得不延长信用证有效期。

    The crammed shipping space complies our request for extension of credit validity .

  13. 本授权书于下列信用咭有效期后仍然生效。

    This authorization shall have effect after the expiry date of the credit card stated below .

  14. 输入信用卡有效期;

    Input credit card valid date ;

  15. 如果信用证有效期较长的话,我们就会有时间把事情彻底弄清楚。

    If the letter of credit had been valid for a longer period , we should have had time to make the matter thoroughly clear .

  16. 明显地,期内一大部分的信用卡转期金额被非信用卡贷款所取代,而且这趋势至今仍然持续。

    Clearly a large amount of credit card rollovers had been substituted by non-card credits during the period , and this trend has continued since then .

  17. 信用证有效期:自中国银行总行营业部收到该信用证之日起37个月内有效

    " Expiry Date of Credit : Within 37 months starting from the date of this Letter of Credit available with Bank of China , Head Office , Beijing "

  18. 信用证的有效期只到四月八号。

    The LC is only valid until April the eighth .

  19. 该信用证的有效期延至12月10日。

    The credit is extended until Dec. 10 .

  20. 此信用证的有效期:2004年3月7在受益人国家议付有效。

    Expiry date : March . 07 , 2004 in the country of the beneficiary for negotiation .

  21. 我方请你方立即以我方为受益人开具不可撤销信用证,有效期到4月2日。

    We ask that you promptly open an irrevo-cable L / C in our favor , valid until April 2 .

  22. 本信用证为装运期后15天在中国议付有效。

    This credit remains valid / force / good for negotiation in China until the15th day after the date of shipment .

  23. 你可以传递初始一旦信用卡余额免息期最长的另一卡等你继续免息贷款。

    You can transfer credit card balances once the initial interest free period is up to another card , and so continue your interest free credit .

  24. 学习如何解释问题,并学习与银行有关的词汇,如信用卡、失效期、手续费等等。

    Banks and ATMs : Knowing how to explain a problem and learning vocabulary to do with banks : credit card , expiration date , commission , etc.

  25. 他还提到,欧洲公司对于未知的或具有很大危险的信用证仍然敢于接受延长信用证的付款期,因为欧洲公司的收入能够得到政府的保障。

    He also notes that European companies may feel more comfortable extending credit to an unknown or poor credit risk because of government programs that guarantee their receivables .