
  1. 第三部分介绍了企业网站推广的一般策略;

    The third part introduced the enterprise website promotion general strategy ;

  2. 网络广告交挨是中小企业网站推广的常用方法之一。

    Network advertisement exchange is one of common methods for network popularization of small and medium-sized enterprises .

  3. 从顾客使用网络服务的习惯看,有95.20%的网民经常使用搜索引擎,搜索引擎营销已成为企业网站推广的主要途径。

    Uses the network service from the customer the custom looks , has 95.20 % net people frequently use search engine , SEM has become the enterprise website promotion the main way .

  4. 然而现实情况是中小企业网站推广效果不佳,而现有评价指标不能很好的为中小企业所适用,也无法揭示出网站推广中存在的问题以及有针对性的提出解决方案。

    However , the reality is that the promotion effect of the website of SMEs is poor . The existing evaluation index is not fit for SMEs and can not reflect the problems of the website promotion well , and also can not put forward solutions targeted .

  5. 主要经营的产品有为企业制作网站以及推广,域名的注册和主机的托管。

    Mainly engaged in production of products for the corporate Web site and promotion , domain name registration and hosting hosting .

  6. 分析了中小企业网站建设与推广的重要性,企业网站是企业与顾客之间信息沟通的主要通道,也是企业开展网络营销必不可少的前提条件。

    The writers analyse the importance for small and medium-sized enterprises to build and develop their own websites , the commerce websites are the main communication channels between the enterprises and the buyers , and also they are the precondition of e-marketing .