
  1. 大家都知道论坛推广就是注册个ID,发发帖子,是的没错,论坛推广做的就是这些工作。

    We all know that the Forum is to promote the registration of a ID , send post , is the right forum to do is to promote these efforts .

  2. 如何做好论坛推广呢?

    How to do the Forum to promote it ?

  3. 下面就是我的论坛推广经验谈,各位有不同观点的可以拍砖讨论。

    Here is my forum to promote collective experience , you have different points of view can Paizhuan discussion .

  4. 这里我就以电商的论坛推广为例,说说需要最注意的几点。

    Here I call on the business forum to promote , for example , talk about a few points need the most attention .

  5. 与此同时,在各个输入法相关论坛的推广也在进行中。

    Meanwhile , the promotion is also underway in relevant BBS and webs .

  6. 近日,澳大利亚几个主要城市举办了一系列商业论坛,推广11月份将要在上海召开的中国国际进口博览会。

    business forums have been held recently in major Australian cities to promote the China International Import Expo , scheduled in November in Shanghai .

  7. 媒体推广与品牌建设&第二届中美21世纪医学论坛媒体推广案例分析

    Promotion by media and building of well - known brand - Case study of 2nd Sine - USA Tribune on Medical Schools Promotion by media in 21st Century

  8. 伦敦奥运会期间,中方已举办北京文化周、第四届北京奥运城市发展论坛等多场推广中国文化和介绍北京城市发展的活动。

    During the Games , we have held Beijing Culture Week , the seminar on the development of Olympic cities and many other activities to spread Chinese culture and introduce the latest achievements of Beijing .