
  1. 论中国文学接受俄罗斯文学的多元取向

    On the Multiple Orientations of China 's Acceptance of Russian Literature

  2. 论中国文学传播的三种历史形态

    On the Three Transmitting forms of Chinese Literature in History

  3. 论中国文学中的雅、俗关系及其他

    On the Relationship between Ya " and Su " in Chinese Literature

  4. 个体与社会理想形态的现代化想象&论中国文学现代化中的两种价值取向

    The Modernization Imagination about the Individual and Social Ideal Pattern

  5. 论中国文学现代性叙事与性别意识建构

    On Ch in ese Literature 's Modernity Narration and Gender Ideology Construction

  6. 论中国文学发展的阶段性

    On the Phases of the Development of Chinese Literature

  7. 论中国文学的暮愁主题

    On the Theme of " Dusk Sad Feeling " in the Chinese Literature

  8. 论中国文学功利观的近代演进

    The Modern Evolution of Utility View of Chinese Literature

  9. 论中国文学演变中读者和作者的特性

    On the Characteristics of Readers and Authors in the Evolution of Chinese Literature

  10. 论中国文学批评视野中的现代转型

    On the Modern Transformation of Chinese Literary Criticism

  11. 论中国文学在世界文学史上的地位

    On the Status of Ch in ese Literature in the History of World Literature

  12. 东西方文化比较:论中国文学的忧患意识

    Comparison Between Chinese and Western Culture : Study on the Sense of Hardship of Chinese Literature

  13. 面对失落的文明&论中国文学现代转型中的人文主义倾向

    Facing the Loss of Civilization : On the Humanistic Tendency of Modern Transformation of Chinese Literature

  14. 论中国文学活动的边缘化

    Decentralization in Chinese Literary Activities

  15. 论中国文学批评中的类比性释义&以《诗经》为例

    On the Use of Analogical Interpretation in Chinese Literary Criticism & The Book of Songs as a Example

  16. 论中国现代文学史上的自由主义思潮

    Trend of Liberalist Thought in the History of Modern Chinese Literature

  17. 略论中国戏曲文学中的负心男子形象

    Discussion on the Figures of Ungrateful Men in Chinese Opera Literature

  18. 论中国现代文学叙述中边缘文学的地位

    On Statue of Fringe Literature in Narration of Contemporary Chinese Literature

  19. 论中国现代文学史写作的新进路

    The New Approaches to the History of the Modern Chinese Literature

  20. 论中国近代文学的本位性

    On one 's ownership of Chinese literature of modern times

  21. 论中国现代文学史诗意识的建构

    On the Construction of Epic Ideology in Modern Chinese Literature

  22. 简论中国当代文学学科的发生与发展

    On the Occurrence and Development of Chinese Contemporary Literature Course

  23. 杂语并生多元共存&论中国近代文学观念的文化生态

    Analysis on the Ecology of Culture of Chinese Modern Literature 's ideas

  24. 论中国新文学的负性背景及其影响

    The Negative Background of Chinese New Literature and Its Influence

  25. 论中国新文学的城乡二元结构

    On the City and Country Bi-structure in Chinese New Culture

  26. 论中国现代文学中的通俗文学观

    View of Popular Literature in Modern Literature of China

  27. 论中国现代文学学科命名的规范化

    On the Nomenclative Standardization of the Chinese Modern literature

  28. 论当代中国文学体系与构架

    Review in Anticipation On the Frame and the Literary System of Contemporary China

  29. 论中国古代文学教学与健全人格的培养

    On Chinese Ancient Literature and Development of Sound Personality

  30. 论当代中国文学批评的历史嬗变

    The Historical Evolution of The Modern Chinese Literary Criticism