
  1. 全球化背景下当代文学的反思与建构

    Reflection and Construction of Contemporary Literature in a Globalization Background

  2. 追问与探寻&在全球化语境下对中国当代文学的反思

    Examing and Pursuing & Retrospect of Chinese Modern Literature Under the GlobalizatiOn Context

  3. 目标的窘困与意义的迷失&对女性主义及其文学的反思

    Embarrassment of Goal and Loss of Significance & Meditation towards Feminism and Its Literature

  4. 最后,是对网络文学的反思和展望。

    Finally , reflect and outlook network literature .

  5. 疏离与倒置&对20世纪中国文论与文学的反思

    Discord and Inversion : Some Reflections on Chinese Literary Criticism and Literature in the 20th Century

  6. 首先,非常值得关注的是对日本近代文学的反思以及再认识。

    At first the most noteworthy are the reflection and re-perception of " modem Japanese literature " .

  7. 对文学的反思需要建立一个新的知识场域,即用知识考古的方式求得对文学意义新的开掘。

    It is necessary to build a new knowledge field for the reflection on literature , that is , the method of knowledge archaeology should be adopted to dig the new meaning of literature .

  8. 对日本近代文学的反思与重新审视是在面向21世纪时对东西方文化交融、东西方批评话语在更深层次上的对话。

    The reflection and reexamination of modern Japanese literature are the dialogues on a higher level between western culture and eastern culture in merging and also between western critical discourses and eastern critical discourses and they are directed to the 21st century .

  9. 接续历史的整体之思&浅析叶维廉对中国现代文学研究的反思

    Wai-Lim Yip 's Reflection on the Research of Modern Chinese Literature

  10. 20世纪中国现代主义文学的历史反思

    Reviewing Chinese Modernism Literature in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  11. 中学文学教育的反思与创新

    Introspection and Innovation of Literature Education in Middle School

  12. 二十世纪中国文学史观的反思

    Reflections on Chinese Literary History Views in the 20 ~ ( th ) Century

  13. 中国现代文学史的反思与重建:学科还是意义?

    Reflection and Reconstruction of the History of Modern Chinese Literature : Discipline or Meaning ?

  14. 对女性身体观念的考察立足于对当代中国女性主义文学批评的反思。

    This dissertation studies the Feminist Body Idea through pondering contemporary Chinese Feminist Literature Criticism .

  15. 忧患意识和批判精神,在三部作品中一以贯之,而作品的时空体形式却有了明显变化,表现出作者对文学传统的反思和审慎的间离,及不断超越自我的鲜明意识。

    The transformation of time and space in his novels gives expression to his reflection on the tradition of literature , cautious dependence , and sharp - cut consciousness of self - transcendence .

  16. 这一本土中国由政治中国、乡土中国和汉语中国这样三个部分构成,分别对应于其在创作中表现出来的历史和现实反思、文化反思、文学语言的反思。

    This " native China " comprises three parts : " political China ", " agrestic China " and " Chinese China ", which respectively corresponds to the introspection on history and realities , culture and literary language In the course of Li Rui 's writing .

  17. 左翼浪漫主义文学命运的历史反思

    A Historical Retrospect of the Destiny of the Left-wing Romantic Literature

  18. 当前底层文学的现代性反思

    Introspection on Modernity Showed in Literature on Lives of the Needy

  19. 对20世纪中国文学西化追求的反思

    On the Self-examination to Seek 20th Century 's Chinese Literature Being Westernized

  20. 革命现实主义文学英雄理念的反思与阐释

    A Retrospection and Expatiation on Revolutionary Realism 's " Hero Concept "

  21. 下篇注重论的阐述,对网络文学的现状进行反思。

    On the next focus on the network to reflect on the status of literature .

  22. 女性文学的批判与反思

    The Criticism and Introspection of Feminine Literature

  23. 对女性主义文学的几点反思

    The Reflection on the Feminist Literature

  24. 关于20世纪末中国儿童文学创作的文化反思

    Cultural Reflection of Ch in ese Children ' Literature in the End of the 20 th Century

  25. 它是反思文学,自身的反思,时代的反思,历史的反思,而聚光于文化的反思,从儒林中人的颓败和城乡社会的荒诞中揭示了中国传统文明的危机。

    It is an introspection of literature , time , history , and itself , yet the focus is on culture . The decay and corruption of the Confucian scholars and the absurdity in both urban and rural society uncover the crisis of China 's traditional civilization .

  26. 中国现代文学传统的性别意识反思

    Reflections on the Gender Consciousness in Modern Chinese Literary Tradition

  27. 对中国文学想象力萎缩问题的反思

    Reflections on the Shrinking of Literary Imagination in China

  28. 对文学主体论的学术反思

    Academic Self-examination of Literary Subjectivity

  29. 鉴于鲁迅覆盖整个二十世纪中国文学的巨大身影,反思二十世纪中国文学的整体品格,鲁迅便成为无论如何也绕不开的存在。

    In view of enormous reflection of Luxun covering 20 century Chinese literature , in any case , the introspection of 20 century Chinese literature may not evade the existence of Luxun .

  30. 湖南文学接受世界文学的模式、反思与构想

    Modes , Introspections and Conceptions of Hunan Literature Accepting World Literature