
  1. 做成文艺青年学习及战斗的园地;

    Secondly , it tried to become a garden of learning and fighting for young artists .

  2. 文艺工作者应该学习文艺创作,这是对的,但是马克思列宁主义是一切革命者都应该学习的科学,文艺工作者不能是例外。

    It is right for writers and artists to study literary and artistic creation , but the science of Marxism-Leninism must be studied by all revolutionaries , writers and artists not excepted .

  3. 通过这次论争加强了鲁迅对马列主义理论及文艺理论的学习与运用,促进了他的思想的转变,从此开始了他的左翼文化的生涯。

    Which have strengthened Lu Xun 's study and application of the theory of Marxism-Leninism and theory of literature through this controversy , have promoted the transition of his thought , So he has begun the career of his left wring culture from then on .