
  1. 方法:采用MED系统对103例腰骶神经根卡压征患者施术。

    Method : A series of 103 patients with nerve root entrapment syndrome of lumbo sacral spine underwent nerve root decompression using the MED System .

  2. 结论:MED系统配合骨钻和骨刀可完成绝大多数腰骶神经根卡压征的彻底减压术,且效果满意。

    Conclusion : The MED System with manual drill and osteotom specially made may complete most of decompression of nerve root entrapment syndrome of lumbo sacral spine and its result is satisfied .

  3. 目的探讨Guyon管以远尺神经深支卡压征的解剖学基础。

    Objective To explore the entrapment to the deep branch of the ulnar nerve at the wrist , to assist the surgeon in diagnosis and treatment of Guyon canal syndrome .

  4. 双腓总神经急性卡压征1例

    A case of acute compression syndrome of double common peroneal nerves

  5. 局部封闭治疗隐神经卡压征58例

    Treatment of saphenous nerve compression with local locking blockage in 58 patients

  6. 上肢对称性周围神经卡压征的临床分析

    Clinical analysis of symmetry peripheral entrapment neuropathies of upper extremity

  7. 腹股沟神经卡压征的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of entrapment of nerves in the inguinal region

  8. 四肢神经卡压征的微创手术治疗

    Mini-trauma surgical treatment of nerve compression syndrome in extremities

  9. 正中神经返支卡压征的电生理研究

    Clinical and electrophysiological study of entrapment syndrome of recurrent branch of median nerve

  10. 拇收肌腱弓处尺神经卡压征的应用解剖

    Applied anatomy of ulnar nerve compression syndrome at the arch of adductor muscle of thumb

  11. 隐神经卡压征的临床解剖学研究

    Clinical Anatomy of Saphenous Nerve Entrapment

  12. 正中神经返支卡压征

    Median nerve recurrent branch entrapment syndrome

  13. 本文报告用局封治疗11例桡神经浅支卡压征。

    Local blocking was used for treatment of 11 cases of superficial radial nerve compres - sion .

  14. 目的:为腹股沟神经卡压征的防治提供解剖基础。

    Objective : To provide anatomic basis for preventing and treating entrapment of nerves in the inguinal region .

  15. 方法对17例骨间后神经卡压征患者采用显微外科技术进行神经减压松解术。

    Methods 17 patients diagnosed as posterior interosseous nerve compression syndrome were treated by microsurgical technique with neural decompression .

  16. 分析32例肩胛背神经卡压征的治疗方法及随访结果。

    The treatment strategy and its follow up result was assessed in dorsal scapular nerve compression in 32 cases .

  17. 目的探讨上肢对称性周围神经卡压征的病因、病程及预后特点。

    Objective To discuss the etiology , course of diseases and prognosis of symmetry peripheral entrapment neuropathies of upper extremity .

  18. 结论神经电生理检测是诊断和鉴别诊断正中神经返支卡压征的可靠手段,能为临床提供客观、准确的诊断指标。

    Conclusion Electrophysiological examination could provide objective and reliable data for diagnosing and differentially diagnosing median nerve recurrent branch entrapment syndrome .

  19. 目的:了解腹股沟区神经卡压征的临床解剖特征,为腹股沟区神经卡压征的防治提供解剖基础。

    OBJECTIVE : To study the features of clinical anatomy in entrapment of nerve for providing anatomic basis for preventing and treating entrapment of nerves in the inguinal region .

  20. 肱骨外上髁炎合并C(5,6)神经根卡压综合征的治疗

    Treatment of external humeral epicondylitis associated with C_ ( 5,6 ) nerve root compress syndrome

  21. 无定位体征的高颅压综合征的CT评价

    CT evaluation of increased intracranial pressure without localizing signs

  22. 原发性低颅压综合征的MRI及临床表现

    MRI characteristics and clinical manifestation of primary intracranial hypotension syndrome

  23. 22例特发性低颅压综合征的临床与MRI分析

    Analysis of the clinical and imaging characteristics in 22 patients with spontaneous intracranial hypotension syndrome

  24. 目的:分析自发性低颅压综合征的临床特点和MRI表现。

    Purpose : To analysis the clinical characteristics and MRI findings of spontaneous intracranial hypotension syndrome .

  25. ,针灯心草J.铍针治疗皮神经卡压综合征

    The treatment of cutaneous nerve entrapment syndrome by sword-shaped needles : a clinical study

  26. 目的探讨低颅压综合征(IHS)的临床、脑脊液(CSF)和影像学特点及预后。

    Objective To investigate the clinical , cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) and imaging characteristics of intracranial hypotension syndrome ( IHS ) and its prognosis .

  27. 目的探讨原发性低颅压综合征(PIH)的临床特点、发病机制、脑脊液(CSF)及影像学改变。

    Objective To investigate the clinical features , pathogenesis and the changes of cerebrospinal fluid ( CSF ) and imageology in primary intracranial hypotension ( PIH ) .

  28. 腕管综合征是腕部神经卡压综合征中最常见的一种,最早由JamesPaget爵士在1865年提出。

    First described by Sir James Paget in 1865 , carpal tunnel syndrome ( CTS ) has become one of the most commonly reported nerve compression syndrome of the wrist .

  29. 臂丛神经卡压综合征的诊治

    Diagnosis and treatment of multiple nerve entrapment in the brachial plexus

  30. 双神经卡压综合征便携式图像压缩卡的设计

    Double nerve compression syndrome The Design for Portable Image Compressing Card