
  • 网络CAN;compression diagram;CNDEQV;CNDEPV
  1. 透过这个压缩图来放眼我们的世界,就会明晓接纳他人、谅解以及教育是何等重要。

    When one considers our world from such a compressed perspective , the need for acceptance , understanding and education becomes glaringly apparent .

  2. 然后利用页面之间的链接关系定义评估页面之间相似性的新指标,合并相似的页面,形成一个压缩链接图;

    The similarity between two pages in the link graph are defined which is based on the page link information and by merging the similar pages into a page class the link graph is compressed .

  3. 其次,成套的电路图、油路图和压缩空气管路图。

    Secondly , a complete set of diagrams of electric circuit , fuel circuit , compressed air circuit .

  4. 同时,为了有效地利用存储空间、优化系统,采用多种数据压缩方法对图符库、词库和资源特征的索引库等信息资源的可视化描述进行了有效压缩,使可视化模型得到进一步优化。

    In order to use the storage space and the optimizing system efficiently , the paper chooses several data compaction methods to compress the visualization description of information resources in icon base , words stock and index base for resource feature , so that the visualization model is more optimized .

  5. 管网方程Jacobi矩阵的一维压缩存贮与管网图节点标号的优化

    Memory Condensation of the Jacobi Matrix of Pipe Network Equation and Optimization of Node Symbols in the Pipe Network

  6. 通过与其他同类方法的实验结果的比较,算法的有效性已被验证。(2)VQ(Vectorquantization)压缩编码中基于图染色问题的信息隐藏算法。

    Also , the validity of the proposed schemes has been proven by comparing them with some other schemes . ( 2 ) An image data hiding scheme based on Vector Quantization ( VQ ) and Graph Coloring .

  7. 版图压缩中的约束图模型及其生成算法

    A Model of Constraint Graph in Layout Compaction and Its Generation Algorithm

  8. 压缩空气设备布置图国际棉布图案设计协会

    Compressed air plan Association for International Cotton Emblem

  9. 固定压缩字典与分形图压缩编码

    Fixed Compression Dictionary and Fractional-Image Compressed Coding

  10. 压缩空气设备布置图圆图气压温度记录仪

    Compressed air plan circular chart baro-thermograph

  11. Brill-Beggs方法在Tr<2.6条件下与司坦丁&凯茨天然气压缩因子相关曲线图十分吻合,有较高的计算精度和较宽的适用范围;

    Under the condition of Tr < 2 . 6 , Brill-Begg 's Method tallies well with Standing-Kate 's Corelation Diagram of the compressibility factors of natural gas , again with high calculation accuracy and wide range of applicability ;

  12. 本文从图形系统硬件的巧妙使用和软件中图形数据结构的科学设计两方面,讲述了如何提高图形显示速度以及如何压缩军标、图符的数据量的一些方法。

    By the appropriate usage of graphic system hardware and the scientific design of data structure in software , this paper introduces some methods of raising the speed of graphic display and of compressing the data quantity of army signature .

  13. 静止图像压缩主要包括变换、量化和编码,其中量化对压缩的性能(图质和压缩比)起决定作用,它涉及质量因子和基本量化表的确定。

    Among transformation , quantization and encoding steps in still image compression , quantization is the key of the performances ( i.e. image quality and compression ratio ) of compression , which is related to the determination of quality factor and basic quantization table .

  14. 对大量试验数据进行分析,回归出压缩空气泡沫变化分界曲线的数学方程,建立了泡沫液-压缩空气流量关系图,即压缩空气泡沫形态的状态图。

    Analyses of numerous experimental data , induces mathematic equation of dividing line of the pattern of CAF and educes dependent relationship of compressed-air output and foam solution flux .