
  • 网络selling signal
  1. 论文的重点在于交易模型的构造,包括上证指数买入信号模型、卖出信号模型的构造。

    The keystone of this dissertation is the conformation of the trading model , including the buying signal model , and the selling signal model .

  2. TRB的策略也显示了所有的买入信号的正回报和卖出信号的负回报,但他们并不如均线信号产生的收益显著。

    The TRB strategy also shows positive returns for all buy signals and negative returns for all sell signals but they are not as significant as the returns generated from moving average signals .

  3. 这不就是一个最为明确的卖出信号吗?

    Is this not the surest sell signal there is ?

  4. 如果持续跌破周一低点1240点,将触发卖出信号。

    A sustain decline below Monday 's low of1240 will trigger the next sell signal .

  5. 在没有明确卖出信号的情况下,科技股似乎一下被股民弃之如敝履。

    Without a clear sell signal , tech stocks seemed to slip into some kind of investor oblivion .

  6. 点数图发出买入卖出信号容不下主观性。意思是别报侥幸心理,别犹豫。

    These charts send out " buy " or " sell " signals and there is no room for subjectivity .

  7. 他们发现,这样的警告信号通常会将买入信号变为卖出信号。

    They found that this alarm bell can sometimes turn a " buy " signal into a " sell " .

  8. 标普周四向下破位触发了以1258-1249点为目标的新卖出信号。

    Thursday bearish breakout had triggered a new sell signal that targeting the1258-1249 levels on the S & P500 index .

  9. 尽管点数图发出的买入卖出信号具有客观性,同其它技术分析工具一样,它也可能会滞后或提前。

    Although they are objective , as with any other technical analysis method , they can be late or produce whipsaws .

  10. 背离信号和交叉信号应注意一点:买入信号发生位置越低越有效,卖出信号发生位置越高越有效。

    Note about deviation signals and crossing signals : the lower the position is , the more effective the buy signal is ; the higher the position is , the more effective the sell signal is .

  11. 红色的卖出信号不停闪烁:过去5年,房地产板块与基准指数之间的往绩市盈率之差平均为200个基点,而目前仅为40。

    Sell signals are blinking red : the trailing price / earnings gap between the property sector and the benchmark , which has averaged 200 basis points over the past five years , is now a mere 40 .

  12. 不过要注意,这“广度”指标如单独使用则几乎很少构成买入或卖出的信号,但如果一旦它确实是,则这是一个非常强而有力的信号。

    And again ," breadth " rarely constitutes a buy or sell signal by itself but when it does , it 's a very powerful signal .

  13. 需要定期评估和监测你的投资组合,否则你将错过何时卖出此投资的信号。

    Your portfolio needs to be evaluated and monitored on a periodic basis or you could miss signals that it may be time to sell .