
  • 网络kdj;Golden Cross
  1. 将五种材料的悬浮液喷涂于Al2O3基底的金叉指电极上,构成气敏传感器,以甲醛、苯、甲苯、二甲苯作为测试气体,通过电化学分析仪测试他们在不同气体种类和浓度下的导电率。

    The five materials formed a film onto an interdigital gold electrode with Al_2O_3 substrate by spraying the suspensions . Conductivity of each material based sensor was measured using the electrochemical instrumentation .

  2. 另外标普的MACD指标在零线上方交叉至信号线之上,这一金叉形态也支持看涨的判断。

    In addition , the MACD indicator , which is trending above the zero line , crossed above its signal line today and hence confirms the bull case .