
  • 网络diamond anvil cell;diamond-anvil cell;hdac
  1. 热液金刚石压腔(HDAC)在地质上的应用及甲烷水合物合成实验研究

    Application of hydrothermal diamond anvil cell to geology and the experiment in synthesis of methane hydrates

  2. 金刚石压腔实验技术应用于生烃动力学研究浅析

    A preliminary study of oil generation kinetics using diamond anvil cell technique

  3. 高温高压下利用金刚石压腔实验技术对材料Raman光谱的研究

    Raman spectroscopy study of materials using diamond anvil cell technology under high-temperature and high-pressure

  4. 金刚石压腔(DAC)实验技术4例交通性气胸负压吸引未见效果,改用胸膜腔注药治愈。

    An introduction to the experimental technology of diamond-anvil cell 4 cases of negative pressure drainage were of no effect .

  5. 为验证这一观点,本论文以金刚石压腔装置为手段,开展了地幔温压条件下(直到地球内部200km的深度)含碳物质与水反应生烃的模拟实验研究。

    To verify this new mechanism , experimental research has been carried out on the reactions of carbon-containing materials with water to form hydrocarbon under mantle conditions with the pressure and temperature up to these in 200 km depth using diamond anvil cell ( DAC ) .

  6. 用于金刚石压腔超高压合成的激光微束加热系统的研制

    The Laser Heating System for High Pressure Synthetic Experiments in Diamond Anvil Cell

  7. 文章在金刚石压腔下研究了正十五烷从室温到350℃的拉曼光谱特征。

    The present paper investigates the Raman spectrum of n-pentadecane in diamond anvil cell under a temperature up to350 ℃ .

  8. 在温度35~350℃、压力17~27GPa下用水热金刚石压腔进行了水的红外光谱测量和研究。

    The infrared spectra measurement for water has been conducted and investigated at the temperatures of 35-350 ℃ and the pressures of 1.7-2.7 GPa by using Hydrothermal Diamond Anvil Cell ( HDAC ) .