
  1. 用X射线测定金属晶粒度的新计算方法

    The New Calculating Method Used for Measuring the Grain Size of Metal by X-rays

  2. 一种FCC金属晶粒平均取向的计算方法

    A calculating method for average orientation of a kind of FCC metallic crystal size

  3. 结果表明,涂层的主要组成相为Cr和Al2O3;涂层的微观组织形貌是以树枝状Al2O3陶瓷为骨架,金属晶粒Cr分散在Al2O3陶瓷相的周围;

    The results show that the microstructure of the cermet coating is mainly composed of dendritic Al_2O_3 cermet and Cr metallic particle .

  4. 分析了复合镀层的相组成、基质金属晶粒尺寸、镀层的微观形貌和断面组织以及PTFE在镀层中的存在形式。

    The phase , grain size of Ni matrix , surface morphology , cross-sectioned microstructure and PTFE existence in coating were analyzed .

  5. 当需要大致估计金属晶粒度时,新方法是有价值的。

    It is valuable when the grain size of metal is estimated approximately .

  6. 快速再结晶退火过程金属晶粒度的计算

    Prediction of the Grain Size in Rapid Recrystallization Annealing

  7. 结果表明,金属晶粒可用分形维数定量描述。

    It is indicated that metal grain can be described quantitative-ly by fractal dimension .

  8. 涤纶织物化学镀膜金属晶粒尺寸与分散剂的关系的研究

    Study on Electroless Plating of Polyester of the Relation Between Size of Metal Crystal and Dispersant

  9. 金属晶粒自身细化

    Self grain refinement of metals

  10. 合金元素钼、钒对堆焊金属晶粒的细化作用效果明显。

    The alloy elements such as Mo , V have distinct effect on the deposited metal grain refinement .

  11. 金属晶粒尺寸与拓扑参量分布数字特征间的关系

    Quantitative Relationships between the Numerical Descriptive Measures of Size Distributions and Those of Topological Parameter Distributions of Metal Grains

  12. 电容器脉冲放电进行超高能率热处理是细化金属晶粒尺寸、提高材料力学性能的有效方法。

    The super-high rate heat treatment with electro-pulsing is considered an effective method to refine crystalline and improve mechanical properties of metals .

  13. 在铝板带铸轧生产过程中施加超声处理,改善了成分偏析,细化了铝金属晶粒度,产品质量大大提高。

    The ultrasonic leading in aluminum cast-rolling process can improve improve the ultrasonic composition segregation , detailed the aluminum metal crystallite size , and the quality of product is greatly improved .

  14. 并考察了不同稀土元素及不同的加入方法对催化剂金属晶粒的大小和晶粒分布的影响,为制备高效轻烃脱氢催化剂提供有关信息。

    Influences of different rare earth elements and varied doping methods on the crystal size and distribution of catalyst metal have also been examined . The relevant information for the preparation of effective catalysts for dehydrogenation has been provided .

  15. 实践表明,当焊接热输入达到50kJ/cm以上时,低合金高强钢焊接接头由于在高温停留的时间增加,导致焊缝金属晶粒粗大,韧性降低。

    Practice showed that , when welding heat input achieved 50kJ / cm above , HSLA welding joints stayed in the high temperature environment for more time , It would cause grains grow , notch toughness of the weld seam metal get lower .

  16. 基于近年来发展的X射线面探测器技术,提出了金属板材晶粒尺寸在线检测方法。

    Based on the advanced X-ray area detector technology , a method of online grain size measurement in metal sheets has been proposed in the present study .

  17. 热障涂层金属底层晶粒细化及其对涂层性能的影响cineMRI对女性盆底功能障碍性疾病的诊断价值

    Grain Refinement of Bond Coating and Its Effect on the Thermal Barrier Coating ; The diagnostic value of cine MRI in pelvic floor disfunction

  18. 用SACP技术分析立方晶系金属中晶粒位向的一种方法

    A Method for Analysing the Grain Orientation of the Cubic System Metals by SACP Technique

  19. 从形核理论出发,建立了金属结晶晶粒数的一般方程,利用VB编出的程序计算方程,并以Zn-5%Al合金为例对方程在不同冷却速度和润湿角因子下进行了计算分析。

    The general equation of the quantity of metal grain was established by the theory of nucleation . Taking Zn-5 % Al alloy as an example , the equation was resolved at different cooling rate and wetting angle factor by VB program .

  20. 大塑性变形(SPD)具有将铸态粗晶金属的晶粒细化到纳米量级的巨大潜力,近年来已引起人们的极大关注。

    Severe plastic deformation ( SPD ) is an effective route to refining coarse grain size into submicrometer or nanometer regime , which has attracted attention of many scientists all over the world .

  21. 铸造细化金属的晶粒组织、改善其物理性能。

    Forging refines the grain structure and improves physical properties of the metal .

  22. 层状双金属氢氧化物晶粒尺寸的控制

    On the Factors Influencing the Crystal Structure and Crystalline Size of Layered Double Hydroxides

  23. 焊缝金属区晶粒分布均匀,焊缝金属区多为针状铁素体,能够提高焊缝区的韧性。

    Weld metal zone are mostly acicular ferrite which can improve the weld zone toughness .

  24. 探讨了稀土元素对电铸金属镍晶粒结晶择优取向的影响。

    The change of crystal preferential orientation of matrix metal Ni caused by rare earths was investigated .

  25. 讨论了高铁赤泥煤基直接还原特性及还原过程中金属铁晶粒成核及晶核长大特征。

    The nucleation and grain growth characteristics of metallic phase in direct reduction ofhigh - iron red mud with coal base have been discussed in this paper .

  26. 纳米多晶金属的晶粒尺度特别小,晶界原子比例特别高,成为分子动力学研究晶界问题的最好对象。

    Nanocrystalline metals become the best objects to investigate the behavior of GB by MD because of its small grain size and high fraction of GB atoms .

  27. 对比不同接头形式的三板T型焊接头,W型的三板T型焊接头具有填充金属少,晶粒尺寸小、腹板热影响区窄等优点。

    Compared to three-panel T-welded joints of different joint forms , W-shaped three-panel T-welded joints had advantage with less filling metal , small grain size and narrow-web heat-affected zone .

  28. 金属多晶体晶粒的空间及截面拓扑分布特性

    Plane Section and Spatial Topology Distribution Characteristics of Metallic Grains in Polycrystalline

  29. 利用摩擦搅拌技术还能细化金属材料的晶粒和增强硬度。

    The friction stir technology can refine grain and enhance rigidity of metals .

  30. 采用高速冲液电铸装置、高频脉冲电流等方法,制备出金属镍纳米晶粒电铸沉积层。

    The nickel electroforming layers with nanocrystalline ( nc ) were obtained by using high frequency pulse current and strong electrolyte flushing .