
jīn jiǎ chónɡ
  • golden beetle
  1. 谁会是我的金甲虫?

    Who will be my golden beetle ?

  2. 金甲虫是另一个我急切想要体验的单位&它们没让我失望。

    The Reaver was another unit that I was anxious to play with-and it didn 't disappoint .

  3. 别忘了,在单人战役和地图编辑器里还能看见金甲虫呢。

    Don 't forget , Reavers will still be seen in single player as well as the map editor .

  4. 在那些认为需求将出现增长的人中,有一个数据尤其让金甲虫们摩拳擦掌。

    Among those who see an escalation , in demand , one statistic in particular has the gold bugs rubbing their hands .

  5. 本书收入埃德加·爱伦·坡的:《失窃的信》、《金甲虫》、《玛丽·罗杰疑案》、《你就是凶手》、《莫格街凶杀案》五篇侦探作品。

    This book collects five detective stories of Edgar Allan Poe : A Purloined Letter , The Gold-Bug , The Murders in the Rue Morgue etc.

  6. 我们争辩着世界上存在多少金甲虫以及一些科学秘密如金甲虫是如何吸取网球罐外面的空气的。

    We argued over how many june bugs were in the world and mysteries of science like how they sucked the air out of tennis ball cans .

  7. 仍有许多金甲虫相信,黄金总能大放异彩,尤其是在纸币或将贬值、通胀风险迫近的情况下。

    There are still plenty of gold bugs who believe it will always outshine , especially as the value of paper currencies threatens to plunge and inflation looms .

  8. 回到黄金牛市开始阶段,那时很少有追捧黄金的金甲虫,我们倾向于将投资黄金的理由,建立在新兴市场新生的中产阶级对金首饰的可能需求之上。

    Back when gold 's bull run kicked off , there were precious few gold bugs and we tended to make the case for the metal based on likely demand for bling from the new middle classes of emerging markets .

  9. 鉴于金价几乎天天创新高,这个有关被一只金色甲虫咬了一口、于是开始寻找宝藏的故事,刚好切合时下的热门话题。据说,这个故事是最早用金甲虫来形容黄金爱好者的出处之一。

    With the gold price hitting near-daily records , the story about the hunt for a buried treasure after a bite from a gold-coloured bug has topical appeal , and is said to be one of the first uses of the description for gold lovers .