
  • 网络Dark Templar
  1. 只有黑暗圣堂武士强大的能量才能确保脑虫永远地被摧毁。

    Only the potent energies wielded by the dark templar could ensure a cerebrate 's permanent destruction .

  2. 黑暗圣堂武士:相信女酋长也会对你的故事感兴趣的。

    Dark Templar : I am sure the Matriarch will be eager to hear your tale as well .

  3. 黑暗圣堂武士的力量来源与传统神族完全不同,但他们拥有的力量却一点都不逊色。

    The dark templar hail from very different roots , but the powers at their command are no less awe-inspiring .

  4. 那些不服从她指挥的脑虫,在黑暗圣堂武士的协助下,已经全部被摧毁了。

    The cerebrates had refused to follow her leadership , and now with the dark templar 's assistance , they were all but destroyed .