
  • 网络BLACKWATER;black water;Dark Water
  1. 工业锅炉黑水处理封闭循环利用

    Closed recycle usage on black water of industrial boiler

  2. 激冷室内黑水循环流量分析

    Analysis of Black Water Recirculating Flux Within Quench Chamber

  3. 采用GC-MS分析了挥发油中的化学成分,并进行了黑水缬草挥发油理化性质的测定。

    The components of the volatile oil extracted from Valeriana amurensis were analysed with GC-MS , and the physicochemical property of the volatile oil was also determined .

  4. 以挥发油提取率和镇静安神成分的含量为指标,比较了水蒸汽蒸馏、隔水蒸馏和CO2超临界萃取三种提取方法,确定了提取黑水缬草挥发油的最佳方法。

    A optical extracting method was determined by comparing three extractive methods of steam distillation , isolated distillation and supercritical CO_2 extraction , according to the extractive ratioes of the volatile oil and the contents of sedative components Valeriana amurensis .

  5. 此外,我们采用QM荧光&银染的相继染色法发现黑水鸡的W染色体上有NOR存在,这种核仁组织者区域与性染色质发生连锁的现象在鸟类是首次发现。

    Sequential QM fluorescence and silver staining revealed the presence of a NOR on the W chromosome of common moorhen . We believe this is the first report of a NOR-bearing W chromosome in birds .

  6. 流水型山地灾害有滑坡、崩塌、泥石流、山洪、泥石流坝和滑坡坝溃决等。AHP法在山地灾害综合防治的应用&以黑水滩河上游流域为例

    Landslide , collapse , debris flow , mountain torrents , landslide dam and debris flow dam burst in the mountain hazards zone of running water type . The study on function of evergreen broad leaved forest floor & Tiantong , Zhejiang Province as an example

  7. Avocet小姐说那台机器在黑水湖的地窖里。

    Miss . Avocet said the machine is in the cellar of the Blackpool tower building .

  8. 辽宁黑水地区构造特征及其控矿作用

    Structural features and its ore-control in Heishui area , Liaoning Province

  9. 内河船舶黑水处理技术研究及其实现

    Research and its implementation about sewage treat technology of inland ship

  10. adj.(字迹)难读黑水褪色了,所以许多词不易辩认了。

    illegible The ink had faded so that many words were illegible .

  11. 重油萃取炭黑水悬浮物

    The Reclaimation of Carbon Black from Suspending Water by Extracting with Heavy Oil

  12. 黑水鸡繁殖生态的初步观察

    Preliminary study on the breeding ecology of the Moorhen

  13. 朝阳至黑水高速公路黄土地区路基设计

    Design of Subgrade in Loess Area of Chaoyang-Heishui Freeway

  14. 节水型黑水微生物处理系统除磷组分的研究

    Study on Phosphorus Removal Components in the Water-saving Black Water Micro-organism Treatment System

  15. 四名前黑水国际的保安已被监禁。

    Four former Blackwater security guards are in jail .

  16. 渣油型合成氨气化工段碳黑水净化的改造设想

    Revamp concept for carbon black water purification in residue-type synthesis ammonia vaporization section

  17. 当航行在这坛黑水里每件事情都被放大,那些力量因此得到势头。

    Everything is magnified and its power gains momentum when navigatingin these dark waters .

  18. 碳黑水分离技术的研究异丙醇-水分离技术进展

    Studies on carbon black and water separation technology

  19. 挖孔桩在朝阳至黑水高速公路中的应用

    Application of Excavated Pile in Freeway of Chaoyang-Heishui

  20. 从手法上看可能是黑水之类的

    From their tactics , I 'm guessing Blackwater-type

  21. 当你涉入这些黑水时,还有其他原因让你不得不注意脚下。

    There are other reasons to watch your step when wading through these dark waters .

  22. 合成氨碳黑水系统冲刷腐蚀分析与措施

    Analysis of Erosion from Soot Water System in Ammonia and the Measures to Prevent It

  23. 目的:了解黑水县居民两周患病与行为生活方式的关系。

    Objective : To know the relationship between the morbidity of two week and behavior factors .

  24. 四川省黑水县中华白蛉季节消长及生态习性观察

    Observation of Phlebotomus chinensis on Seasonal Distribution and Ecological Habits in Heishui County , Sichuan Province

  25. 《黑水河》则讲述了美国原住民乔克托部落的来世。

    The last movement , Hacha is the afterworld of the Choctaw tribe of Native Americans .

  26. 介绍了对工业锅炉黑水综合利用的措施和改造效果。

    The measures and effects on comprehensive utilization and improvement of black water in industrial boiler .

  27. 黑水湾一战,震撼的电影特效让观众头晕目眩。

    The Battle of Blackwater Bay was filled with astounding cinematic effects , leaving viewers dazzled .

  28. 四川黑水锰矿锰铝榴石-铁铝榴石系列矿物的分类及其意义

    The classification of the spessartine-almandine series mineral in manganese ore from heishui , sichuan and its significance

  29. 房间的窗户面向一条屋顶之间的小巷,恰可看到远方的黑水湾。

    Her windows opened on the alley and rooftops , with a view of the Blackwater beyond .

  30. 行为因素对黑水县居民慢性病影响的多元分析

    Multiple Regression Analysis of Relation Between Behavior Factors and Chronic Diseases in Heishui County , Sichuan Province