
  1. 某个时刻,您会让她来到我身边。

    And in time * you 'll show her to me .

  2. 她来到我身边时,她的优势必须完好无损。

    She must come to me with all of her strengths intact .

  3. 两星期后,她来到我身边和我呆了三天。

    Two weeks later , she came to me and stayed with me for three days .

  4. 我知道她会来到我身边。

    I know she 'll come to me .

  5. 在很久的日子里,在最为糟糕的日子里,她总是来到我的身边并且给我带来希望。

    For many months , in the worst of circumstances , she had come to the fence and given me hope .