
  • She is beautiful;She's very pretty;She is very pretty
  1. 虽然她很漂亮,可是我不喜欢她。

    Though , she is beautiful , I don 't like her .

  2. 她很漂亮,但那还是她吗?

    She is beautiful , but who is she ?

  3. 的确,她很漂亮。

    Yessir , she was beautiful .

  4. 我们相处得很好,并且她很漂亮。

    We got on very well and she was very nice-looking .

  5. 尽管她很漂亮,但还没找到男朋友呢。

    Beautiful as she is , she didn 't find a boyfriend yet .

  6. 我们老师的名字叫ParkHoSoon,她很漂亮个人很高,就像韩国小姐一样。

    Our kindergarten teacher 's name was Park Ho Soon , She was as beautiful and tall , just like Miss Korea .

  7. 她很漂亮这也是个很大的荣誉我也非常开心他们选了Gwyneth

    she 's very beautiful , it 's a big honor , and I 'm glad that they picked Gwyneth

  8. 你女朋友叫什么名字?她很漂亮。

    What 's your girlfriend 's name ? she 's beautiful !

  9. 你的姐姐是什么样的?她很漂亮。

    What is your sister like & She is very beautiful .

  10. 虽然她很漂亮,她却不够聪明。

    Beautiful as she is , she is not bright enough .

  11. 喔,她很漂亮,她很美丽。

    Wow , she 's amazing . She 's so beautiful .

  12. 她很漂亮我们还有照片

    Oh , she looked delicious . We have photographs too .

  13. 她很漂亮,脸上总是洋溢着笑容。

    Sheis very prerrt and al-ways wears a smile on her face .

  14. 她很漂亮。我爱她爱得着了迷。

    She 's beautiful . I 'm nuts about her .

  15. 她很漂亮很沉着也很完美但是

    She was pretty , and poised , and perfect . And ...

  16. 那是罗斯。她很漂亮,是不是?

    That 's rose . she 's pretty , isn 't she ?

  17. 你会见到她的,她很漂亮。

    You 'll meet her , she 's very pretty .

  18. 告诉她很漂亮,告诉她很漂亮.

    Tell her she looks good , tell her she looks good .

  19. 你爱上了你的物理老师她很漂亮

    You hit on your physics teacher . Who is very attractive ,

  20. 约翰,公主长得怎么样?她很漂亮吗?

    John , what 's the princess like ? Is she pretty ?

  21. 她很漂亮&因她穿着红色的服装。

    She is beautiful & She is in red .

  22. 她很漂亮。这没什么不好。

    It doesn 't hurt that she 's beautiful .

  23. 就因为她很漂亮不意味着她就不能胜任这份工作

    Just cause she 's pretty doesn 't mean she is not qualified .

  24. 她很漂亮不是吗?

    She 's very beautiful . Isn 't she ?

  25. 我的意思是她很漂亮

    I mean , she 's beautiful and everything ,

  26. 麦克斯,她很漂亮。

    Oh , Max , she 's very pretty .

  27. 她很漂亮,真的很惹人注意。

    She 's beautiful , a real eye-catcher .

  28. 她很漂亮,而且她就在你的面前。

    She 's beautiful , and she 's right here in front of you .

  29. 她很漂亮,她妈妈年轻时也很漂亮。

    She is very beautiful and so was her mother when she was young .

  30. 她很漂亮,但是我没注意到,有谁特别明显

    She 's a pretty girl , but no one-no one really stood out .