
zhēn qí
  • rare
珍奇 [zhēn qí]
  • [rare] 珍贵而稀奇

  • 珍奇的动物

珍奇[zhēn qí]
  1. 猎杀珍奇动物是违法的。

    It 's illegal to hunt and kill rare animals .

  2. 这个动物园有许多珍奇的动物。

    The zoo has a lot of rare animals in it .

  3. 这座博物馆有许多珍奇历史文物。

    The museum is full of historical curiosities .

  4. 走私活动每年都会导致数千只珍奇鸟类死亡。

    A smuggling racket is killing thousands of exotic birds each year .

  5. 生命是短暂的,宁静的时刻尤少;我们应当阅读珍奇的书籍而不蹉跎时光。

    Life being very short , and the quiet hours of it few , we ought to waste none of them in reading valueless books .

  6. 负责遴选展品的是一家位于比利时和荷兰的工作室StudioJob,本身就有着珍奇百宝屋的风格。

    They have been selected by Studio Job , an atelier based in Belgium and the Netherlands that is itself sprinkled with the dust of the Wunderkammer .

  7. 目的在于为乙肝病毒表面抗原(HBsAg)转基因鼠胚胎和珍奇动物、濒危动物胚胎冷冻保存提供研究方法。

    The work would provide an alternative method for cryopreservation of HBsAg-transgenic murine embryos and of rare and endangered animal embryos .

  8. 和17世纪的珍奇百宝屋(CabinetofCuriosities)一样,画廊内将摆满各种珍宝,都是从大胆无畏的探索者那里搜罗来的。

    Like a 17th-century cabinet of curiosities , it will be filled with the eclectic treasures of intrepid explorers .

  9. 两个好伙伴过去5年中一直共同生活在美国俄克拉荷马州温尼伍德市G.W.珍奇动物园。

    The two have been inseparable over the past five years at G.W. Exotic Animal Park in Wynnewood , Oklahoma .

  10. 751.那种已绝迹的珍奇的鸟的羽毛中含锌。

    751 . The extinct exotic bird 's feather contains zinc .

  11. 这漂亮的船啊,载的什么珍奇宝贝?

    A gorgeous boat ! What precious rarity is on board ?

  12. 新建的陈列室用来展览珍奇纺织品。

    A new gallery has been constructed to display rare textiles .

  13. 四月新花和所有的珍奇。

    With April 's first-born flowers , and all things rare .

  14. 接触栖息于此的珍奇生物

    meet some of the surprising and exotic creatures that live here

  15. 你知道,我喜欢猎杀珍奇动物。

    You know , I 'm happy killing exotic animals .

  16. 这些插画是从一些珍奇的版画复制的。

    These illustrations have been reproduced from some rare prints .

  17. 还有一家名叫德百丽(Debailleul)的手工巧克力厂,显然更加珍奇有趣。

    Another chocolatier , Debailleul , is decidedly more whimsical .

  18. 弗雷德说,我非常喜欢那些珍奇石头的美丽外形和色彩。

    I just love the exquisite shapes and colors of previous stones .

  19. 许多动物由于珍奇和美丽而遭到危险。

    Many animals are endangered by their rarity and beauty .

  20. 定是珍奇异宝,如此夺目璀璨。

    So dazzlingly radiant , it must be treasure rare .

  21. 他要求艺术作品,珍奇珠宝,甚至是金子。

    He 's demanded works of art , famous jewels , even gold .

  22. 许多人到长白山来研究珍奇的动植物。

    Many people come to Changbaishan to study its unique plants and animals .

  23. 博物馆还展出了中国特有的珍奇动、植物。

    The museum also shows rare plants and animals found only in China .

  24. 这是我昨天在书摊子上偶然买到的一本珍奇的古书。

    This is a queer old book I picked up at a stall yesterday

  25. 我的时间非常珍贵。它成了当时的珍奇物。

    Time is precious to me . It became the lion of the day .

  26. 珍奇的庭园树木&4种外来玉蕊科植物

    Rare Gardening Trees & Four Lecythidaceae Plant Species

  27. 但是他却像观察珍奇事物一样观察着他。

    But he observed it as a curiosity .

  28. 还有其他一些珍奇的生物藏在行李当中,再带回家作为宠物或者馈赠的礼物。

    And other exotic creatures in their luggage to bring home as pets or gifts .

  29. 红海及其珊瑚礁奇景和珍奇海洋生物也再见了。

    Ditto the Red Sea and its wonderland of coral reefs and exotic sea life .

  30. 蜗牛加酒烧煮后,便成了世界上许多地方的一道珍奇的名菜。

    Cooked in wine , snails are a great luxury in yarious parts of the world .