
zhēn pǐn
  • gem;treasure;collector's item;rarity;curiosity
珍品 [zhēn pǐn]
  • [treasure] 珍贵的物品

  • 稀世珍品

珍品[zhēn pǐn]
  1. 这幅画是收藏的珍品。

    This picture is the gem ie the best of the collection .

  2. 这张专辑贯穿了新浪潮音乐、电子舞曲和流行舞曲,是清新悦耳又充满乐趣的流行音乐珍品。

    The album is a refreshingly fun pop gem that traverses New Wave , electro-disco and dance-pop .

  3. 房子很大,里面摆满了艺术珍品。

    The house was large and full of art treasures .

  4. 英国的音乐之都伯明翰将展示其精美的艺术珍品。

    Birmingham , the ' UK City of Music ' , will be parading its finest artistic goodies .

  5. 这张旧地图的确是件珍品。

    This old map is quite a curiosity .

  6. 以菊花珍品绿牡丹的茎段为外植体,MS为基本培养基,进行了离体培养。

    Tissue culture of chrysanthemum Curiosa-Green peony was carried through using MS as the basic medium and stem sects as explants .

  7. 麦卡伦,珍品(TheMacallanRare),来自苏格兰高地的甜味苏格兰威士忌,只在美国发售

    The Macallan Rare : Sweet States-only Scotch from the Scottish Highlands

  8. 本文以我国重要的淡水养殖珍品&中华绒螯蟹(EriocheirSinensis)为实验材料,从提取、分离、生化性质分析等几个方面对精子膜蛋白进行了初步的研究。

    With Eriocheir sinensis as the experiment material , SMPs were studied in such respects as extraction , isolation and biochemical characteristics analysis .

  9. 中华绒螯蟹(EriocheirSinensis)是我国特有的水产珍品,也是我国一种重要的经济蟹类,广泛存在于我国南北各地淡水水域中。

    Eriocheir sinensis is an unique aquatic treasure as well as important economic crab , which extensively exists throughout South and North of freshwater in China .

  10. 珍珠色;杰出者;珍品天然珍珠比人工培养的珍珠贵得多。vt.投;

    pearl The natural pearl is much more expensive than a cultured one .

  11. 据瑞典TT通讯社报道,收藏家认为如果这本漫画书保存完好,它将是一件珍品,价值12.5万冰岛克朗(约16200美元或13345欧元)。

    If in mint condition , the item would be considered a rarity by collectors and could be worth up to125000 kronor ( 16200 dollars , 13,345 euros ), according to Swedish news agency TT .

  12. 潮男潮女届时定会蜂拥至各时尚门店,抢购迪奥(Dior)饰有长颈鹿图纹的乙烯基塑料长靴、高田贤三(Kenzo)的霓虹色豹纹装以及路易威登(LouisVuitton)的豹纹及皮草珍品。

    Game-hunters will be stalking the shops for Dior 's vinyl giraffe boots , the neon cheetah prints at Kenzo , and Louis Vuitton 's leopard and leather prizes .

  13. 紫苏(perillafrutescens)原产我国,至今已有2千多年的栽培历史,历来享有食疗同源珍品之称。

    Purple common perilla ( Perilla Frutescens ) was originated in China , so far it has been cultivated for 2000 years . It is called a treasure used as food and medication for ever .

  14. 有个叫“苏丹王的礼物”的展览会去年在洛杉矶开展,而该版本的MIA版本则青出于蓝胜于蓝—-还收录了从俄罗斯的Hermitage博物馆中借来的珍品(美国举办的展览中是没有的)。

    The MIA version of the " Gifts of the Sultan " show that started last year in Los Angeles includes objects from Russia 's Hermitage museum that the American exhibition did not have .

  15. 建筑博物馆保护区“Olessky城堡”是Lviv艺术馆的一个分馆。在这里陈列着五百余件出自乌克兰西部地区大约十到十八世纪期间的艺术珍品,包括绘画、雕塑、装饰艺术品等。

    Architectural Museum-Reserve " Olessky castle , " a division of the Lviv Art Gallery - a unique treasure where collected more than five hundred works of painting , sculptures , decorative art of western Ukrainian lands X-XVIII cc .

  16. 历史长河里的珍品源远流长的高梁河(长河)

    Pearls in the Long-running History Gaoliang River ( Chang River )

  17. 欣赏这样的建筑,犹如欣赏一件件艺术珍品。

    You cannot too much to name them architectural art treasures .

  18. 岚山盛产各种鱼类和海珍品。

    Lanshan is teemed with varieties of fishes and rare seafood .

  19. 猫儿性爱鱼,却怕爪弄湿。(注解:想获得珍品的人不愿冒必要的风险。)

    All cats love fish but fear to wet their paws .

  20. 保留那块雕刻过的骨头并把它作为珍品展出。

    Kept the carved bone and displayed it as a curiosity .

  21. 这幅肖像是本美术馆最名贵的珍品之一。

    The portrait is one of the gallery 's dearest treasures .

  22. 请看这些蛾子:这是一个珍品。

    Look at these moths : here 's a beauty .

  23. 海珍品养殖水质微机自动监测系统

    An Automatic Water Quality Monitoring System for Choice Seafood Aquiculture

  24. 盗窃犯偷走了博物馆里所有的古代艺术珍品。

    The burglars stripped the museum of all its ancient art treasures .

  25. 他知道他已经发现了一件真正的珍品。

    He knows that he had made a real discovery .

  26. 成为人们在重大展览上争相观看的珍品。

    Become the major exhibition of the treasures competing watch .

  27. 她很擅于发掘爵士乐唱片珍品。

    She had a good nose for rare jazz records .

  28. 戏曲是我国的民族瑰宝,艺术珍品。

    Drama is part of the national costume of China .

  29. 珍品值得努力争取的东西;令人羡慕的拥有。

    Something worth striving for ; a highly desirable possession .

  30. 你毁的可是绝版艺术珍品。

    You 're ruining a first printing , near-mint work of art .