
zhēn cáng
  • collection;treasure;consider valuable and collect appropriately
珍藏 [zhēn cáng]
  • (1) [treasure]

  • (2) 珍重地收藏

  • 珍藏至今

  • (3) 珍贵的收藏物

  • 罕见的珍藏

珍藏[zhēn cáng]
  1. 这部手稿只是他们的珍藏之一。

    The manuscript is just one of the treasures in their possession .

  2. 这座钟是珍藏。

    This clock is a collector 's item .

  3. 这记忆珍藏在人们心中。

    The memory is enshrined in the people 's minds .

  4. 敌军士兵劫掠走了艺术博物馆的珍藏。

    The enemy soldiers have looted the treasures of the art museums .

  5. 多年来,我积攒了大量的珍藏本。

    I 've accumulated quite a lot of rare books over the years .

  6. 博物馆珍藏的一些艺术作品都是无价之宝。

    The museum contains some priceless works of art .

  7. 这是我的私人珍藏。

    That 's supposed to be in our private stash .

  8. 西尔维亚也在他们中间,为那些长期珍藏的无用知识,友好地、起劲地鼓掌

    Sylvia among them , good-naturedly applaud so much long-hoarded treasure of useless knowing .

  9. 当他最后一次浇花时,准备把她好好珍藏起来。他发觉自己要哭出来。

    And when he watered the flower for the last time , and prepared to place her under the shelter of her glass globe , he realised that he was very close to tears .

  10. 如果你看到身边有朋友在提名或被提名公开列出10本珍藏了相当一段时间的书名,你就知道“冰书挑战”是怎么回事了。

    If you have seen your friends either nominating or being nominated for telling the world about 10 books that have been with them for a while , you know what the Book Bucket Challenge is .

  11. 不同的是,这项挑战不仅要求提名身边的朋友列出“珍藏了相当一段时间的10本书名”,同时还要列出你愿意捐赠给图书馆或有需要人群的一个书单。

    Unlike what is coming across on Facebook , this challenge is not only about nominating your friends for listing ' 10 books that have stayed with them for a while ' . Instead , you have to make a list of the books you are willing to donate to libraries or needy people .

  12. 每个澳大利亚人的记忆中都珍藏着着童年时观看玩转校园(PlaySchool)的美好片段,并且还能够历数出他们喜爱的主持人。

    Every Australian has fond memories of watching Play School as a child and can name reels of their favourite presenters .

  13. 现在据说他要出一个本书,里面都是各种独家珍藏照片,据说还有莱昂纳多和凯文·康诺利的kiss照片!

    Now he 's going to release a Book with many Exclusives pics .

  14. SCOPE(跨越)坐落于温伍德艺术区中央,到达鲁贝尔家族珍藏馆,马格列斯收藏馆以及迈阿密顶级画廊非常方便。

    SCOPE 's venue is centrally located in the Wynwood Art District , convenient to the Rubell Family Collection , the Margulies Collection , as well as Miami 's top galleries .

  15. 目前霹雳网商品馆并无提供直接的线上订购服务给霹雳网的海外会员,希望订购霹雳剧集珍藏DVD的朋友请前往相关说明页面查询。

    We currently do not offer Pili Store Direct Online Order for the oversea members , for the Pili DVD enquiry please check this page .

  16. 其中会生动地简要介绍香槟如何酿造,并在最后提供泰亭哲的几种口感成熟的珍藏纯干香槟(BrutRéserveChampagne)的样品供大家品尝。

    It offers a good general introduction to how Champagne is made and concludes with a sample of Taittinger 's very suave Brut R é serve Champagne .

  17. 但是他会把迦梨女神(GoddessKali)的照片妥帖地珍藏在衣袋里。

    But he kept a picture of Goddess Kali , barefoot conqueror of demons , tucked away in his pocket .

  18. 英国王室的Flickr帐户中上传了最新的王室婚礼照片和王室珍藏的一些老照片。

    The British Monarchy Website Flickr account streams both images of royal engagements and archive photographs from the royal collection .

  19. 而学习于英国“新朝圣”展览会的一次展出中,也很可能会出现从TopkapiPalacemuseum中借来的一些珍藏,之前这一直是遭到土耳其当局封锁的。

    A Qatari version of the British Museum 's new " Haj " show will very likely have objects from the Topkapi Palace museum that were blocked by the Turkish authorities .

  20. 他还选择了世界最棒演讲的DVD和史蒂芬•平克的《人性中的善良天使》一书作为自己的珍藏。

    He also selected copies of the world 's great lectures on DVD as his luxury item , and chose to take Steven Pinker 's The Better Angels Of Our Nature as his book .

  21. 来自法国卡斯特12处著名酒庄之一的珍藏级AOC,愿献予新贵鉴赏家们一同品鉴。

    The wine , which comes from one of the12 famous French Castel wine estates , is a precious AOC and excellent gift for noble connoisseurs .

  22. 我们继续将所有这些伤员和努力恢复的故事珍藏于心、记录于祷文中。这其中包括同样身负重伤的MattMika。

    We continue to hold all of those wounded and fighting for recovery in our hearts and prayers , including Matt Mika , who was also badly wounded .

  23. Koyle珍藏赤霞珠是一款浓缩并且均衡的葡萄酒,使用来自智利不同地区的葡萄酿制而成。

    Koyle Reserva Cabernet Sauvignon is a concentrated and well balanced wine , made with grapes from different areas in Chile .

  24. 为了让“寿司椰子鞋”的记忆留存下来,YujiaHu将“寿司鞋”的照片拿来出售。这样运动鞋和生鱼片的爱好者就可以将这个不可能的结合永远珍藏。

    In order to keep the memory of his sushi Yeezys alive , Hu sells prints of his shoe-shi creations so that all lovers of sneakers and sashimi can treasure this unlikely meeting of worlds forever .

  25. 这是2001年以来,佳士得在香港举行的首场葡萄酒拍卖会。拍品中包括来自拉图堡酒庄(ChateauLatour)珍藏酒窖的127件葡萄酒,成交总额达1800万港元,高于之前预测的1000万港元。

    The wine auction , Christie 's first in Asia since 2001 , included 127 lots from the reserve cellars of Chateau Latour , which raised HK $ 18m , compared with its estimate of HK $ 10m .

  26. 米埔山谷确保了此款酒的灵活度和新鲜度,科查瓜山谷赋予了此款酒浓缩,深度以及饱满的的单宁,使我们的Koyle珍藏赤霞珠成为一款独一无二的葡萄酒。

    The Maipo Valley gives the finesse and freshness to the wine , and Colchagua Valley gives the concentration , deepness and rounded tannins , which make our KOYLE a unique wine .

  27. 有人说,文化是通过建筑、珍藏等反映出来的。

    Some people say cultures are embodied in buildings and collections .

  28. 我们会铭记所有的美好的回忆,珍藏这些青春飞扬的日子。

    We will cherish all those sweet memories and youthful days .

  29. 这些良好的印象将永远珍藏在我们美好的记忆中。

    These good impressions will remain in our precious memories forever .

  30. 带着你们珍藏了八年的爱情。

    With eight years of love and marriage under your belts .