
  1. 论人文教育与科学教育融合的本质特征及其途径

    Research on the Natural Characteristic and Methods with the Integration of Humanities Education and Science Education

  2. 论人文教育背景下的语文教学

    Chinese-teaching Based on Humanism-educational Background

  3. 论潘光旦人文教育思想

    Talk Something About Pan Guang dan 's Thought of Humanistic Education

  4. 论人文素质教育与理工科学生的和谐发展

    Humanistic Quality-oriented Education and Harmonious Development of Science and Engineering Students

  5. 论大学人文教育的指导思想和基本原则

    On Guiding Ideology and Fundamental Disciplines of University Humanity Education

  6. 论大学人文教育与科学教育的和谐

    On the harmony of humanity and science in higher education

  7. 论人文素质教育中学生物教师人文素质的现状与思考

    On high school biology teachers ′ humanities qualities

  8. 论人文精神教育

    On Humanistic Spirit Education

  9. 论高校人文素质教育的理论与实践

    On the theory and practice of college humanity quality education

  10. 从人在发展中的角度论中学生的人文教育

    On Middle School Students ' Humane Education from the Angle of People 's Development

  11. 论高校体育人文教育与学生的全面发展

    Discussion of overall development of students and sport humanistic education in institutes and universities

  12. 论大学生人文素质教育面向二十一世纪的我院大学生人文素质教育

    A Discussion on Art and Humanity Quality-Oriented Education in Engineering Colleges in the 21st Century

  13. 略论体育院校人文教育环境对学生人文素质的影响论校园建筑环境与文体设施的育人功能

    Research on the influence of human culture environment in forming high human culture quality of physical education institute ; On Campus Architectural Environment and the Educational Function of Recreational and Sports Facilities

  14. 在这种形势下,教师教育中的学科课程与教学论应将人文教育作为其精神主旨,重新定位其课程性质、构建其课程内容、调整其教学目标。

    In this situation , the teacher education curriculum and teaching theory that education in the humanities as its spiritual thrust of the nature of re-positioning its courses , adjust their teaching goals .

  15. 论医学生人文素质教育与健康人格构建

    A Discussion on Humanity Quality Education and Healthy Personality of Medical Students

  16. 论当代大学人文精神教育略论我国当代大学精神与校园文化建设

    Discussions on Establishing Contemporary University Spirit and Campus Culture

  17. 放弃独白,构造对话&整体论的医学人文素质教育途径

    Abandon Monologue , Construct Dialogue : the Way of Integrated Medical Humanity Education

  18. 论人文精神在素质教育中的核心作用

    A Discussion on the Key Function of the Humane Spirit in Quality-oriented Education

  19. 论人文精神与学校教育的价值取向

    On Humanistic Spirits and Valuation Orientation of School Education

  20. 论数学的人文素质教育功能

    The Education Function Of Spirit Quality in Mathematics

  21. 论人文科学与建筑学教育要切实转变传统的教育思想和教育观念,营造崇尚科学精神的社会舆论氛围,加强科学思想史的教育,加大人文科学的教育力度。

    So the traditional thoughts and concepts of education must be changed in a practical way so as to construct a social atmosphere with scientific spirit , and strengthen the education of the history of scientific thoughts and humane studies .