
  1. 从马克思建构活动方式命题论乐活族的兴起

    On the Rise of the Lohas Group from the View of Marxist Construction Activity Theory

  2. 世纪之交琉球论乐&第四届中日音乐比较研究国际学术会议综述

    Summarize Of The 4th International Academic Conference On The Comparative Research On The Music Between Chinese And Japanese

  3. 论华格纳乐剧里的浪漫与现实

    Romanticism and Realism : On the Musical Drama of Richard Wagner

  4. 论基本乐科的学科观念

    On the Conception of Basic Music Theory Theory on Disciplines

  5. 论《乐记》气范畴的美学内涵

    On the Aesthetic Connotation of the Category " Qi " in The Record of Music

  6. 我指嬉笑说,这是狂妄。论喜乐说,有何功效呢。

    I said of laughter , It is mad : and of mirth , What doeth it ?

  7. 论中国乐和艺术观的美学思想

    On the Aesthetic Thought of the " Harmony of Music " in the Art Theory of Ancient China

  8. 还有何种事情比我家这种天论之乐更快乐、幸福呢?

    And what kind of things better than my house this day theory of music more joy and happiness ?

  9. 论南宋乐风分化与词风雅化之关系

    Relation Between Polarization of Music Style in the Southern Song Dynasty and Polite Style of Poetry in Ci Form

  10. 论中世纪伪乐对调式发展的作用

    The Role of Musica Ficta of the Medieval Period in Development of Modes

  11. 论欧洲室内乐演奏的若干基本问题

    Basic Aspects of European Chamber Music Performance

  12. 论孔子的乐教思想

    On the Musical Pedagogy of Confucius

  13. 论陈白沙自然之乐的境界论

    On the State Theory of CHEN Bai-sha 's Enjoyment of Nature

  14. 略论中唐诗人与乐人兼析唐诗与音乐之关系幽艳晚香沁词林论晚唐诗歌对唐宋词的影响

    Relationship Between Poets and Musicians in Middle Tang Dynasty ; Influences of Late-Tang poems on Song Ci

  15. 以《乐论》和《乐记》为代表的荀学音乐思想,在学术上是对之前各家思想的一个批判的继承与总结;

    Xunzi and his school 's thought of music , which represented by the " Music Theory " and " Music ", was a critical succession and a summary to those before academic thinking .