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rú jiā xué shuō
  • Confucianism;the doctrine of the Confucianists
  1. 儒家学说的影响更多的是在他的为人处世、个性心理。

    The Confucianism influence appears more in his style , personality psychology .

  2. 持守儒家学说,又不囿于门户之见。

    He held the Confucianism and was not lindted by sectarian bias .

  3. 这样,儒家学说形而上的合理性最终完成。

    So , the superorganic rationality of the Confucian doctrine accomplished ultimately .

  4. 但儒家学说的复兴并非一场智力混战。

    But the revival of Confucius has not been an intellectual free-for-all .

  5. 辽尊崇儒家学说,但是执政者却资助中国的佛学。

    The Liao honored Confucian philosophy but the rulers patronized Chinese Buddhism .

  6. 中国传统儒家学说中的教化方法&教育灌输;

    The method of JIAOHUA in tradition includes imbuing ;

  7. 在这种情况下,我们如何能说儒家学说业已重生复活?

    Under such circumstances , how can we say Confucianism is undergoing resurrection ?

  8. 论中国儒家学说与和谐社会构建

    On Relationship of Confucianism and Construction of Harmonious Society

  9. 道,是儒家学说的重要概念。

    Tao is an important concept of Confucianism .

  10. 是儒家学说的一种比较成熟的形态。

    Confucian doctrine of a more mature form .

  11. 儒家学说与中国现代化进程

    Confucian Doctrine and Modernization Progress in China

  12. 儒家学说的文教力量

    The Cultural and Educational Power of Confucianism

  13. 因为儒家学说不是宗教,不会构成作为宗教冲突的文化因素;

    Confucianism culture is neither a religion nor a constituted cultural factor in religious conflicts .

  14. 今日儒家学说的文教力量

    The Educational Power of Confucian Today

  15. 中国强调儒家学说与“和谐”,也不仅仅是公关手法。

    Nor is the emphasis on Confucius and " harmony " solely about cynical public relations .

  16. 发挥儒家学说的现代价值,促进市场经济和社会主义精神文明建设

    Develop the Modern Value of Confucian Doctrine , Promote Marketing Economy and Construct Socialist Spirit Civilization

  17. 颜元的实用儒家学说

    The Practical Confucianism of Yen Yuan

  18. 据我所知,儒家学说也在世界其他地方逐渐引起了重视。

    A : There is also an increasing awareness of Confucianism in other parts of the world .

  19. 第二,这种说法把三纲为核心的伦理道德当作了儒家学说的全盘;

    Second , it takes the ethics centered around the three principles as the whole of Confucianism ;

  20. 儒家学说与社会进步&美国的东方化

    Confucian Doctrine and Social Progress

  21. 注重人的道德修养,是儒家学说的显著特色之一。

    Laying stress on man 's moral cultivation is one of the characteristics of the Confucian shool .

  22. 我们认为,儒家学说是以伦理构建政治的政治哲学思想体系。

    We think Confucianism is the political and philosophical and ideological system of structuring politics with ethics .

  23. 儒家学说和佛教都相当盛行,其视觉艺术显然技术圆熟,富有人性。

    Confucianism and Buddhism flourished , and Paekche 's visual arts revealed technical maturity and warm human qualities .

  24. 因此,探究何以成德的道德修养思想必然成为儒家学说的核心内容。

    Therefore , the thought of moral cultivation that insists on moral practice becomes the core of Confucianism inevitably .

  25. 教育工作者称他们的某些同行有时候会把儒家学说断章取义来迎合当下的时髦话题。

    Educators say their colleagues sometimes use a selective application of Confucian values that are fashionable at the moment .

  26. 这种文化交流与互动,逐渐在黄河中下游地区形成了统一的较为先进的文化,特别是形成了中国传统文化的核心&儒家学说。

    Such communication and interaction formed quite advanced culture , especially formed the traditional core of Chinese culture-Confucian theory .

  27. 孔子的儒家学说对后世影响深远,因而他被世人尊为圣人。

    Confucian doctrine exerted a profound influence on later ages , so Confucius is addressed respectfully as a saint .

  28. 中国古代儒家学说中的音乐存在论阐释&音乐作品的存在与存在方式

    The Explanation on the Ontology of Chinese Ancient Confucianism & the existence and the method of being of music works

  29. 当时,儒家学说已如昔日黄花盛况不再,于是韩愈开始捍卫儒学地位。

    At a time when the popularity of Confucian doctrine had greatly declined , Han began a defense of it .

  30. 儒家学说对传统婚育观念和家庭伦理关系影响探讨&兼论对儒学几个观念的理解和再释

    An Exploration on the Impact of Confucianism on Traditional Idea of Marriage and Child-bearing , and Ethnic Related to Family