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  • 网络pulmonary sthenia;excess syndrome of the lung;pulmonary excess
  1. COP最常见的是肺实变和磨玻璃样变。

    ConclusionsThe most common radiological features of COP were pulmonary consolidation and GGO .

  2. 多发性肺实变多为SLE特征性表现;

    Multi-pulmonary consolidation is majority feature in SLE .

  3. 超声在确定肺实变方面优于X-线检查(P<0.005),与CT相比差异无显著性(P>0.05)。

    US was superior to X-ray in demonstrating pulmonary consolidation ( P < 0.005 ) . However , there were no significant differences between US and CT ( P > 0.05 ) .

  4. 极期:包括肺部炎性渗出、肺实变和多器官衰竭(MOF)3个阶段。

    The climax stage included 3 sequential phases of pulmonary inflammatory exudation , pulmonary tissue consolidation and ARDS or multi-organ failure .

  5. 脂多糖注射后36h,脂多糖组有2只小鼠存活,肺泡充满大量炎症细胞,出现肺实变。

    After 36-hour LPS injection , 2 mice were survived in LPS group , and alveolar was full of inflammatory cells , then consolidation of lung was found .

  6. ③结果X线表现为按叶、段分布的肺实变。

    Results X ray films showed lobar pneumonic infiltrative shadow .

  7. 病理所见均有肺实变,肺泡透明膜形成。

    Lung consolidation and alveolar hyalinosis were present in all of them .

  8. 肺实变常在胸膜下或沿支气管血管束走行分布。

    The pulmonary consolidation was distributed along the bronchovascular bundle or subpleural area .

  9. 肺实变型细支气管肺泡癌1例

    Bronchioalveolar carcinoma of pulmonary consolidation type : one case

  10. 发热、咳嗽、右上肺实变

    Fever , cough and consolidation of right upper lung

  11. 彩超对肺实性占位性病变的应用价值

    Application of color Doppler sonography in pulmonary solid lesions

  12. 肺实变的超声特征及其诊断价值

    Ultrasonographic Characteristics of Pulmonary Consolidation and Its Significance

  13. 第2组,以肺实变和渗出为主要表现,并提示预后差。

    The second group mainly assumes lung consolidation and effusion and clues to poor prognosis .

  14. 炎性肺实变18例,超声检出率为72.2%。

    18 patients were inflammatory consolidation of lung , the accuracy rate for diagnosis of US was 72.2 % .

  15. 第4~5周:肺实变中含有牵引性细支气管扩张2例,局灶性蜂窝1例。

    Consolidation containing traction bronchiectasis in 2 cases and local honeycomb in 1 was found at the 4 ~ 5th week .

  16. 大片肺实变表现为一侧或双侧2~4片沿支气管树分布的肺段实变;

    The big range of consolidation manifested as the bilateral or unilateral pulmonary segment consolidation that distributing along the bronchi tree .

  17. 结论:止遗汤治疗小儿肾虚肺实遗尿疾病疗效及证候疗效肯定;其证候疗效及对症状的改善,作用优于缩泉丸。

    Conclusion : Zhiyi decoction in the treatment of diseases and syndromes of deficiency of kidney and lung real enuresis effect ; the syndrome and the symptoms improve , better than shrink springs .

  18. 模型组大鼠先给予寒加风的刺激4天,再予气管内滴加脂多糖以模拟并加速由寒证向热证转化的过程,最终造成大鼠肺实热证的动物模型。

    The model group rats were stimulated by cold wind 4 days , then driped lipopolysaccharide into intratracheal to simulate and accelerate heat from the cold syndrome to permit the transformation process , to establish the Lung Excessive Heat Syndrome animal model .

  19. 对比分析显示大片状影、大范围肺实变、磨玻璃样改变、弥漫性病变这4种X线表现在死亡病例与治愈病例的差异具有统计学意义(P<0.01)。

    There was a statistical difference between the mortal cases and the cured cases on the following 4 manifestations : large shadows , extensive consolidation , frosted glass like change of the lung fields , and diffuse lesions ( P < 0.01 ) .

  20. 根据外感风寒,入里化热中医经典理论,模拟肺实热证中医学发病及发展变化过程,建立一种符合中医发病理论并能应用于临床或实验研究的动物模型。

    According to classical Chinese medicine theory - " heat transformed from wind-cold ", simulated a kind of " Lung Excessive Heat Syndrome " animal models , which consistent with the consistent theory of traditional Chinese medicine pathogenesis , and can be used in clinical or experimental study .

  21. HRCT见部分肺小叶实变、气肿、磨玻璃样改变;

    HRCT scan images show that consolidation , emphysema or " ground glass " like changes occurred in some lung lobules .

  22. BCG组于感染后第10~30天肺泡隔增宽,逐渐加重至肺大部分实变,间质内以淋巴细胞浸润为主,结核结节较少,肺内大量菌体;

    The alveolar septum in BCG gradually became wide and in interstitium lymphocyte infiltration dominated , and there were less tuberculous granulomas but there were large number of Mycobacterium tuberculosis in the lungs from 10th to 30th days after challenging .

  23. 肺叶肺段实变、肺不张合并胸水60例;

    60 parenchymatous degeneration of pulmonary segments in lobes of lung , atelectasis with hydrothorax ;

  24. 目的:观察清咽喷雾剂治疗急性咽炎肺胃实热证的的安全性和有效性。

    This work observed safety and effectiveness of Qingyan Spray for acute pharyngitis with lung-stomach excess-heat syndrome .

  25. 结论:清咽喷雾剂治疗急性咽炎肺胃实热证是安全的、有效的。

    The results show that Qingyan Spray is effective and safe in treatment of acute pharyngitis with lung-stomach excess-heat syndrome .

  26. 晚期病变呈迁延改变,转归决定影像特征.肺渗出实变、肺纤维化仍为主要影像征表现。

    Anaphase cases assume deferment change , which is decided by their outcome , mainly present lung effusion consolidation and fibrosis .

  27. 如延误诊断和治疗,易发生支气管狭窄、肺组织实变,严重影响病人的肺脏功能。

    The patients with narrowed bronchi or lung consolidation were difficult to recover if it was delayed from early diagnosis and treatment .

  28. 按照定义,病变导致(肺)实变特指肺泡气体被液体、细胞、组织或其它物质取代。

    By definition , diseases producing consolidation are characterized by replacement of alveolar air by fluid , cells , tissue , or other material .

  29. 肺中实火所致上窍出血或尿血以人参泻肺汤为主;

    Ginseng Decoction for Expelling Lung-Heat is mainly used to treat the upper orifices bleeding or haematuria caused by the fire of excess type in lung ;

  30. 中医药在治疗本病方面有着丰富的经验和确切的疗效,特别是对急喉痹肺胃实热证效果尤为显著。

    The Chinese medicine is curing this disease to have abundant experience and accurate curative effects , especially for solid hot disease of the lung stomach result for obvious .