
  • 网络lung zone
  1. 基于胸部CT图像的肺区自动分割

    Automated Segmentation of Lung Fields from Thoracic CT

  2. CT显示病变主要沿支气管血管周围中心肺区和(或)胸膜下区分布。

    On CT , ground-glass opacities and areas of consolidation had predominant peribronchovascular and subpleural distribution .

  3. 应用评估软件测定肺区平均CT值及像素指数(PI)。

    Mean attenuation values and pixel index ( PI ) of lung regions were evaluated with semiautomatic evaluation software .

  4. 应用评估软件测定上、中、下肺区平均CT值及象素的频率分布(即象素指数)。

    The average attenuation values and their frequency distribution ( i.e. pixel index , PI ) of superior , middle and inferior lung regions were measured with semiautomatic evaluation software .

  5. 利用CT序列图像分割出完整肺区中的肿瘤边界信息,然后应用这些信息对其相邻CT图片中粘连肿瘤作进一步分割。

    This article uses the CT sequence picture to segment the tumor boundary information in the complete lung area , then applies these information to further segment the adhesion tumor in its neighboring CT scans .

  6. 结论在中上肺区小阴影的显示上,HRCT明显高于高仟伏X线胸片。

    Conclusion HRCT is more sensitive than high-kv chest radiograph in examination of small shadow in upper-middle area of the lung .

  7. 针刺兔耳郭胸肺区对急性实验性高血压的影响

    Effects of Ear Acupuncture of " Thoracopneumatic Area " on Hypertension Rabbits

  8. 肺区自动分割是肺部肿瘤计算机辅助诊断系统的关键之一。

    Automated segmentation of lung is one of key techniques in computer aided diagnosis systems to detect lung tumor .

  9. 软组织外周性原始神经外胚层瘤、骨外尤文氏肉瘤和胸肺区小细胞恶性肿瘤的临床病理研究

    A Study of Peripheral Primitive Neuroectodermal Tumor , Extraosseous Ewing 's Sarcoma and Askin Tumor of Soft Tissue Clinically and Pathologically

  10. 耳体联系的实验研究之二&家兔左侧实验性胸膜炎、耳部胸肺区的染色定位

    Experiment studies No.2 on Relation Between Ear and Body : Dyeing Position of Thoraco-Lung Points on Auricle of Rabbit with the Experimental Left Pleurisy

  11. 从而能够同时使肺区和肺部以外区域的对比度都得到最大的增强。

    Therefore , it can enhance the contrast both in lung regions and in mediastinum region up to entire dynamic range of display device .

  12. 主要研究内容包括四个方面:肺区的分割,感兴趣区域的提取,特征提取和选择以及分类识别。

    Four major research areas are discussed : lung region segmentation , extraction of interested region , feature extraction and selection , and feature classification .

  13. 结论:(1)针刺兔耳郭胸肺区对兔静脉内匀速注射去甲肾上腺素造成的急性实验性高血压具有降压效应。

    Conclusion ( 1 ) Acupuncture of " thoracopneumatic area " can make the blood pressure decrease on hypertension rabbits induced by injection Norepinephrine ( NE ) into femoral vein .

  14. 电子束CT双期增强对肺门区肺癌可切除性的评估

    Lung cancer in hilar region : the resectability evaluation with dual phase enhanced EBCT scan

  15. MSCT鉴别诊断肺门区炎性块影与中央型肺癌

    Differential diagnosis of inflammatory mass of hilus pulmonis and central lung cancer with MSCT

  16. 结果瘤-肺交界区HRCT表现为远端模糊和(或)毛糙、毛刺影,周围型肺癌79%,肺良性结节22%(P<0.05);

    Results Blurred or rough , spiculate HRCT images in distal lung-tumor interface were observed in ( 79 % ) of PLC and ( 22 % ) of benign nodules ;

  17. 结论瘤-肺交界区HRCT的模糊和(或)毛糙、毛刺影等影像改变的不对称性远端优势分布,对小于3.5cm的周围型肺癌的定性诊断有重要价值。

    Conclusions The asymmetrical distal dominant distribution of blurred or rough , spiculate HRCT images of lung-tumor interface play an important role in qualitative diagnosis of PLC ( ≤ 3.5 cm ) .

  18. 侵犯胸部3例,表现为纵隔、肺门区肿块影,增强扫描不强化。

    Lesion in the thorax was seen in 3 patients , being marked by mediastinal or hilar mass and showing no enhancement after contrast administered .

  19. 结果:肺门区肿块10例(占66%,其中左侧4例,右侧6例);

    Result : Lung door district 10 of lump ( account for 66 % , 4 of left side among them , 6 of right side );

  20. 最常见的体征为肺动脉瓣区第2音亢进及收缩期杂音。

    Increased pulmonic second heart sound and systolic murmur were the most frequent signs .

  21. 农村地区是肺结核高发区,也是结核病预防控制难点所在。

    There were much more pulmonary tuberculosis cases in the rural areas and controlling them was hard .

  22. 有氧心肺功能训练区,无氧自由重量训练区和健美操室各居一方,还有权威专业的私人健身指导服务为您量身定制个性健身计划。

    Separate area for cardio training , free weights training and aerobic studio where qualified instructors organize a wide range of tailor-made sporting and recreational programmer .

  23. 胰腺炎组中,造模后12小时,肺脏大体标本可见紫褐色肺不张区,并可见少量胸腔积液;光镜下肺间质、肺泡和支气管中可见较多炎性细胞浸润及渗出液。

    In AP group , at 12h the gross specimen showed brown areas of atelectasis , and small quantity of pleural effusion . By light microscope , quantity of infiltration of inflammatory cells and exudates were visible in pulmonary interstitial , alveolar and bronchial .

  24. 景洪市肺吸虫病流行区20年后的变化

    The Change of Paragonimiasis Status in Jinghong City in the Past 20 Years

  25. 方法复制油酸型ARDS兔动物模型,模型制作成功后,随机分组将兔置于不同体位,然后进行螺旋CT肺扫描,分析不同体位下不同肺区CT值的变化。

    Methods The model of rabbit ARDS was induced using oleic acid . The rabbits with ARDS all underwent lung spiral CT scans and were divided into six groups according to the body position of scans .

  26. 结果19例诊断肺动脉栓塞的患者MRPP共发现186个肺灌注异常区,MRPP显示7例25个肺段合并段以远的肺动脉栓塞,核素显示188个段灌注缺损。

    Results In 19 patients , 186 abnormal pulmonary perfusion zones were found by MRPP , while 25 subsegments lesions were found in 7 cases , and 188 segments were showed by emission CT .

  27. 肺功能损伤程度及肺功能损伤分型与矽肺阴影的肺区分布的数量有关。

    The degree and typing of the lung function damage is related with the pneumosilicosis shadow distribution in X-rays .

  28. 结果铸工尘肺、矽肺和石棉肺3种尘肺的肺区域性通气分布皆为两上肺区通气增加和两下肺区通气减少;

    Results The regional pulmonary ventilation of the three kinds of pneumoconiosis ( founder 's pneumoconiosis , silicosis and asbestosis ) was increased in both side of upper pulmonary region and decreased in both of lower pulmonary region .

  29. 阐述家兔急性周围型PE的CT表现及肺实质改变征象的病理学基础,评估CTPA对肺动脉较小分支PE的诊断价值及其显示肺栓塞低灌注区的能力。

    To assess the diagnostic value of CTPA in the diagnosis of rabbit 's peripheral PE , small branches of pulmonary arteries , and its ability of displaying for the hypo-perfusion parenchyma area .