
  • 网络Lung cold
  1. 凡治疗风寒表证肺寒咳嗽、脾胃虚寒、呃逆等症的中成药,皆可采用姜汤送服。

    Where the treatment of cough and cold cold exterior syndrome of lung , stomach Deficiency , hiccup embolism of proprietary Chinese medicine , can be used ginger delivery service .

  2. 对两组的证素频次进行比较分析后可以得出:证素肺、寒、湿在甲流组和乙流组中有统计学意义(P0.01)。

    There was statistical difference in syndrome factors " lung , cold , damp " between influenza A group and influenza B group ( P0.01 ) .

  3. 结论MRPP能够显示肺栓寒的灌注缺损区和低灌注区,对肺栓塞诊断有较高的临床价值。

    Conclusion MRPP could show both perfusion defect zone and low perfusion zone in PE . MRPP had significant values especially in showing pulmonary artery embolism .

  4. 治疗应以温肺祛寒为主要法则。

    The main principal treatment is to warm up the lung and wipe off the chill .

  5. 目的:本课题主要通过以西替利嗪片为对照,观察并评价益气温阳方治疗肺脾虚寒型变应性鼻炎的临床疗效。

    Objective : To evaluate clinical curative effect of tonifying qi and warming yang formulae on patients with allergic rhinitis due to deficiency and coldness of lung and spleen under Cetirizine tablets control .

  6. 益气脱敏法对肺虚感寒型变应性鼻炎临床疗效及血清IL-4的影响

    The Influence on Clinical Effects and Serum IL-4-with the Therapy of Benefiting Qi Against Allergy for Allergic Rhinitis of Lung-Deficiency Related Cold Type

  7. 该型变应性鼻炎中医辨证为肺虚感寒型,应以温肺祛寒为主要法则。

    This rhinitis is termed as lung-deficiency-related cold type and treated mainly with the methods of warming the lung and eliminating cold .

  8. 《金匮》所谓之肺胀为表寒里饮郁热闭肺,表里同病,以喘为主症,病变实质类似于哮喘发作,治以宣肺平喘。

    Lung distention was chiefly caused by heat depression in the lung due to external cold and internal fluid , and manifested by asthma , which was similar to the attack of asthma , and the treatment principle was to release depressed lung qi to relieve asthma .