
  • 网络alveolitis;CFA;EAA
  1. 目的:评价高分辨率CT(HRCT)对外源性过敏性肺泡炎的诊断价值。

    Objective : To evaluate the HRCT diagnositic value of extrinic allergic alveolitis ( EAA ) .

  2. 外源性过敏性肺泡炎的HRCT诊断价值

    The Evaluation of HRCT in Diagnosis of Extrinic Allergic Alveolitis

  3. 亚急性或慢性过敏性肺泡炎的高分辨率CT影像特征

    Subacute or chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis : imaging features on high-resolution CT

  4. A、C组同期与B组比较,肺泡炎减轻,肺水肿减轻,纤维素样渗出减少,胶原纤维沉积减少。

    Group A , C compared with group B the same period , the alveolar reduce inflammation , relieve edema , cellulose sample exudate reduce , collagen deposition decreases . 2 .

  5. 目的分析外源性过敏性肺泡炎的高分辨率CT(HRCT)的影像学特点,进一步提高其HRCT诊断的准确性。

    Objective To analyze the features of Extrimic Alergic Alveolitis on HRCT , and to improve HRCT diagnostic accuracy .

  6. 结论HRCT可以清晰显示过敏性肺泡炎病变的类型和分布范围。

    Conclusion HRCT could clearly show the type and distribution of abnormalities in patient with hypersensitivity pneumonitis .

  7. 特发性肺纤维化(IdiopathicPulmonaryFibrosis,IPF)是间质性肺疾病(interstitiallungdisease,ILD)的代表性疾病,以肺泡炎、肺间质纤维化为病理特点。

    Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis ( IPF ) is the representative disease of interstitial lung disease ( ILD ) . Its pathologic characters are alveolitis and pulmonary interstitial fibrosis .

  8. 于注药后第2周和第4周博莱霉素组的肺系数、HP含量均明显增高,病理有典型的肺泡炎和肺纤维化表现。

    Two and four weeks after bleomycin instillation , lung index and hydroxyproline content of bleomycin group were significantly elevated . Histopathologic findings showed typical alveolitis and pulmonary fibrosis .

  9. 结果:艾灸组及泼尼松组肺系数明显减少(P<0.01),肺组织病理学显示肺泡炎及肺纤维化程度均明显减轻,IFN-γ含量升高,IFN-γ表达增强。

    And there were comparisons in pulmonary coefficient and variety of IFN - γ across groups on day 30.Results : The pulmonary coefficients of the moxibustion therapy group and the prednisone therapy group were obviously reduced ( P < 0.01 ) .

  10. 结果CPT能显著减轻肺泡炎和肺纤维化的程度,肺泡间隔宽度、BALF中细胞数和总蛋白水平可间接反应肺组织的损伤程度。

    Width of alveolar septa and cell number and protein content in BALF could indirectly reflect injury degree of lung tissue .

  11. 过敏性肺泡炎(HP)呈淋巴细胞肺泡炎〔Lyc达(19.40±3.24)%〕;

    In hypersensitivity pneumonia group , lymphocyte percentage reached ( 19.40 ± 3.24 ) % , as the character of lymphocyte alveolitis ;

  12. DXM组肺泡炎高峰较BLM组后移;纤维化程度也明显低于BLM组;

    The peak of alveolitis in DXM shifted backward and the extent of fibrosis was lower than that in BLM .

  13. 在肺间质纤维化形成中,I型和III型前胶原mRNA表达呈动态变化,早期肺泡炎以III型前胶原mRNA大量增生为主,晚期纤维化期以I型前胶原mRNA增生为主。

    III procollagen mRNA expression was increased in the acute alveolitis phrase of pulmonary fibrosis induced by Bleomycin , the expression of type I procollagen mRNA was mainly increased in the chronic stage of pulmonary fibrosis .

  14. 结论BLM所致肺泡炎影像学表现与肺炎双球菌肺泡炎影像学表现具有一些不同的特点。

    Conclusion The imaging findings of alveolitis caused by BLM is of some different characteristic in comparison with that caused by pneumococcus .

  15. 方法21例亚急性或慢性过敏性肺泡炎患者行肺功能、支气管肺泡灌洗、经支气管镜肺活检、胸部X线平片和HRCT。

    Methods Twenty one patients with subacute or chronic hypersensitivity pneumonitis were examined with pulmonary function testing , bronchoalveolar lavage , transbronchial lung biopsy , chest radiograph , and HRCT .

  16. 结果:致炎模型15d时肺泡炎最严重,30d时肺纤维化最严重。

    Alveolitis were most severe in lungs of 15 days , while pulmonary fibrosis were most severe in lungs of 30 days .

  17. 结果发现,当归和丹参可明显减轻肺泡炎的严重程度,降低肺湿重/体重(P0.01),并可抑制脂质过氧化物的产生(P0.01),消炎痛则无上述作用。

    We found that RAS and RSN could reduce BLM-induced alveolitis , decrease lung wet wt / body wt ( P0 . 01 ), and inhibit the production of serum MDA ( P0 . 01 ), but indomethacin could not do so .

  18. 在OVA(卵白蛋白)第二轮激发后小鼠肺中肺泡炎、血管炎迅速加重,BAL细胞总数迅速有力上升,嗜酸细胞比例显著上升,但BAL中的IL-5水平较低。

    After second OVA challenge , alveolitis and vasculitis increase rapidly , BAL total counts increase quickly and dramatically , eosinophil ratio increases significantly , but the IL-5 level in BAL is still relatively low .

  19. 提示:BAL可以洗出大量细胞及非细胞成份,对减轻肺泡炎、减少肺部损伤将有积极作用,且以早期或急性矽肺施行BAL为宜。

    It suggested that BAL could play an active role in removing a lot of cells and other substances , alleviating alveolitis , and reducing lung damage . The results also revealed that BAL might be more effective in early stages of silicosis or acute silicosis .

  20. 某造纸厂职业性变应性肺泡炎发病情况调查

    Survey the incidence of the occupational allergic alveolitis in paper mill

  21. 外源性过敏性肺泡炎的环境和职业接触病原研究

    Etiology Related to Environment and Vocational Contact of Extrinsic Allergic Alveolitis

  22. 蘑菇过敏性肺泡炎12例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 12 cases of exogenous allergic alveolitis Mushroom

  23. 结果:过敏性肺泡炎可以并发胸腔积液。

    Results Allergic alveolus inflammation can lead to pleural effusion .

  24. 基本病变为增殖性细支气管炎和肺泡炎。

    Essential for the proliferation of disease bronchiolitis and alveolitis .

  25. 己酮可可碱对外源性过敏性肺泡炎治疗作用的初步研究

    Preliminary study on effect of pentoxifylline in treatment of extrinsic allergic alveolitis

  26. 过敏性肺泡炎并双侧胸腔积液1例诊治

    One case of allergic alveolus inflammation intercurrent double pleural effusion

  27. 不同粉尘诱发大鼠肺泡炎的病理研究

    Comparative Study of Alveolitis Induced by Different Dusts in Rats

  28. 吸入甘蔗渣引起的肺泡炎。

    Alveolitis caused by inhaling bagasse ( sugarcane dust ) .

  29. 大鼠慢性实验性外源性过敏性肺泡炎的病理研究

    Pathologic study of chronic experimental extrinsic allergic alveolitis in

  30. 结论:乌司他丁能减轻单肺通气患者肺泡炎性反应。

    CONCLUSION : Ulinastatin could alleviate the pulmonary alveolar inflammatory reactions in OLV .