
  • 网络Apex;apex of lung;Apex of the lung
  1. 目的探讨胸部X线片和CT扫描对肺尖癌的影像学诊断,以及指导临床治疗的意义。

    Objective To explore X-ray and CT scanning in diagnosis of carcinoma of apex pulmonis .

  2. 方法对11例经病理和临床证实为肺尖癌患者的胸片和CT资料进行对比分析。

    Methods X-ray and CT findings of eleven patients with carcinoma of apex pulmonis were analyzed .

  3. 结论胸片(多相)检查是发现和诊断肺尖癌的首选和最基本方法,CT是胸片检查的有效补充。

    Conclusion X-ray plan is the first choice and primary method .

  4. 原发癌与左上肺尖后段支气管淋巴结融合形成肺门肿块4例,全部病例经纤维支气管镜活检病理及X线、CT、MRI对照证实。

    Complex mass in hilus pulmonis 4 cases , all were confirmed by fibre bronchoscopy and pathological and X ray , CT , MRI .

  5. 用降低管电流的方式可降低X射线剂量,即用多层面螺旋CT低剂量扫描胸部是可行的,但至20mA后肺尖有线性硬化伪影。

    Multi-slice spiral CT low dose scanning can be used for the chest when the tube current was reduced .

  6. 肺内源性ARDS模型犬肺尖叶和肺心叶支气管肺泡灌洗液中炎性递质水平明显高于肺外源性ARDS模型犬。

    The levels of inflammatory transmitters in BALF of lung upper lobe and heart lobe were obviously higher in pulmonary ARDS dogs than in extrapulmonary ARDS dogs .

  7. 结论:特征性的CT影像有助于RDS的诊断,肺尖区一过性过度肺充气有助于RDS的早期诊断,肺气囊有助于RDS病情及予后判断;

    Conclusion : Characteristic CT signs help to diagnose RDS , as overinflation for the early diagnosis and pulmonary air cysts to formation . Providing the prediction of degree and prognosis .

  8. 1例多发转移瘤者,扫描范围从肺尖至肺底(准值5mm,无重叠连续重建)。

    In one patient with diffuse metastatic nodules , the whole lung was scanned ( collimation : 5mm ; no overlap reconstruction ) .

  9. 方法50例胸膜疾病患者作CT检查时屏气,连续动态从肺尖至肺底作扫描,每层厚1cm,在5秒内完成.50例健康老人对照。

    Methods There were 50 elderly cases with Pleural disease and 50 healthy cases as control . Patient hold his or her breath for 5 sec-onds while the CT scanning of lung was taken from top to bottom at 1.0 cm .

  10. 正常X线胸片肺尖伴影的测量

    Measurement of normal apex pulmonis companion shadow on the chest film

  11. 肺尖癌26例分析

    Pancoast Tumor & A Report of 26 Patients Temporal bone carcinoma

  12. 扫描范围自肺尖至左右髂血管分叉处。

    The range was from lung tip to cross of iliac vessels .

  13. 肺尖帽与肺上沟癌

    Apical Cap and Superior Sulcus Tumor of the Lung

  14. 肺尖癌的临床及影像诊断

    The Clinical and Imaging Diagnosis of Pulmonary Apex Carcinoma

  15. 肺尖癌手术方法的探讨

    Exploration on operation methods in pulmonary apex carcinoma

  16. 结论对肺尖癌分型有助于结合临床表现选择合适的影像检查方法。

    Conclusion The classification of pulmonary apex carcinoma makes doctors choice suitable methods in examination .

  17. 序贯性化疗、放疗和手术切除治疗肺尖癌28例分析

    Concurrent chemotherapy , radiotherapy and surgical resection for treatment of 28 cases of apical lung cancer

  18. 取右肺尖组织做光镜病理学切片检查。

    The pathological slices were made from the tissues of apex of right lung and checked under light microscope .

  19. 1例右肺尖段结节患者超声扫描见管壁完整,手术证实为结核。

    Patient with nodule in right apical segment who had intact bronchial wall was with tuberculosis proved by operation .

  20. 对100例正常胸片与15例经病理学证实的肺上沟癌进行X线研究。发现单侧或双侧肺尖帽通常是一孤立的良性x线征象,并无临床意义。

    Roentgenograms of 100 normal cases and 15 patients with pathologically proven superior sulcus carcinoma of the lung were reviewed .

  21. 肺尖部胸膜斑是石棉肺在放射学检查最常见和最具特异性的表现。

    Parietal pleural plaques are the most common manifestation , and the most characteristic radiographic feature , of asbestos exposure .

  22. 目的通过回顾分析肺尖癌的临床及影像表现,探讨肺尖癌的影像分型及诊断。

    Purpose To discuss the classification and diagnosis of pulmonary apex carcinoma in imaging through reviewing their clinical and imaging manifestation .

  23. 原发于肺尖部的多个干酪样肉芽肿是继发性肺结核的最典型特征。

    This pattern of multiple caseating granulomas primarily in the upper lobes is most characteristic of secondary ( reactivation ) tuberculosis .

  24. 结论对于肺尖癌,不但要争取早期诊断,而且要积极地给予手术等综合治疗,才可望提高生存率。

    Conclusions : Early diagnosis and active combination therapy with operation could increase the survival rate of the patients with pulmonary apex carcinoma .

  25. 结果依据两侧肺尖部或剑突下听诊法判断导管位置的正确率分别为90%和96.25%。

    Results 90 % and 96.25 % cases in esophageal intubation were correctly diagnosed via auscultation of bilateral apex of lungs or epigastrium respectively .

  26. 图像噪声明显、颗粒较粗大主要出现在主动脉弓以上肺尖区域和膈顶以下背侧区域。

    Image noise and grain artifacts were present in lung apexes above the level of the aortic arch and lung bottom below the midriff .

  27. 结论(1)肺尖部与剑突下听诊法相结合有助于提高气管导管定位的准确率;

    Conclusions ( 1 ) Auscultation of epigastrium in combination with bilateral apex of lungs is recommended because of the improved accuracy in tube positioning .

  28. 结果双肺弥漫性渗出性病变分布于肺门周围,而肺尖及周围肺野清晰,病灶由肺门向周围肺野发展且呈明显的融合趋势,为典型的影像学表现。

    Results The typical manifestations of PCP was bilateral diffuse infiltration distributing in perihilar regions and presenting as radiate shadows from hila to lung fields .

  29. 肺尖癌,顾名思义就是发生在肺尖部的原发性支气管肺癌,临床少见,约占肺癌总数的5%。

    Apex cancer is , by definition that occurred in the Department of Primary Apical bronchial lung cancer , clinical rare , accounting for5 % of the total number of lung cancer .

  30. 方法选出脊柱、胸廓无畸形,两肺清晰,心膈正常有肺尖伴影后前位X线胸片300例,取第1或2肋骨内缘最内凹点至伴影肺内的垂直距离。

    Methods To pick out 300 chest films of apex pulmonis companion shadow whose columna vertebralis lung , heart , and diaphragm is normal , the upright distance from the most inferior spot of the first rib or second rib to the lung were measured .