
yì zhì shén jīnɡ
  • inhibitory nerve
  1. 胞内cAMP对髓鞘膜蛋白抑制神经突起生长的影响

    Intracellular cAMP affecting the inhibition of neurite growth by myelin membrane proteins in CNS

  2. 应用siRNA抑制神经胶质瘤C6细胞受体表达的探讨

    SiRNA Inhibit the Expression of Receptor in Mammalian Cells

  3. 培养第三天加入终浓度为5mg/ml的阿糖胞苷以抑制神经胶质细胞的过度增殖。

    At the 3rd day , in order to suppress the proliferation of glial cells , cytarabine was added .

  4. FK506抑制神经钙调蛋白改善颞叶癫痫病程和记忆学习能力的实验研究

    Empirical Study on FK506 Ameliorating Coures of Epilepsy and Ability of Learning and Memory by Inhibiting Calcineurin

  5. 结论胰蛋白酶抑制剂可明显减轻局灶性脑缺血再灌注损伤,抑制神经细胞P53蛋白的表达,抑制细胞凋亡,是脑保护作用的分子机制之一。

    Conclusions Trypsin inhibitor may protect the ischemia brain from reperfusion injury , and reducing the expression of p53 protein and cell apoptosis could be one of its effective mechanisms .

  6. 该结果提示,tau蛋白可能抑制神经干细胞的分化。

    From these results , we can conclude that differentiation of neuron stem cell was inhibited by protein tau . 8 .

  7. AV复方制剂的镇痛及抑制神经动作电位传导作用均大于其组分细辛和维拉帕米。

    A V compound had greater effect of analgesia and inhibition of nerve action potential transmission than its components asarum and verapamil .

  8. 结论:脑创伤后p53蛋白表达增加可能造成神经细胞凋亡,美洛宁能够减少脑创伤后p53蛋白表达,抑制神经细胞凋亡。

    CONCLUSION : The increased expression of p53 protein may bring about nerve cell apoptosis after TBI . CTP can reduce the expression of p53 protein and restrain nerve cell apoptosis .

  9. 其作用机理与减轻NO对视网膜的毒性、调控视网膜神经递质的异常,增强视网膜神bFGF表达、抑制神经胶质细胞增生,从而抑制视网膜细胞凋亡有关。

    The mechanism might relate to inhibit the apoptosis and gliosis , enhance the expression of bFGF in retina , and regulate the neural transmitter in retina .

  10. 因此我们的研究证实了Omi是一个抑制神经炎症发生的内在因子。

    Therefore , our study demonstrates that Omi is an intrinsic cellular factor that inhibits neuroinflammation .

  11. 结论:预先间接和直接升高神经元胞内cAMP水平,均可有效抵消髓鞘膜蛋白抑制神经突起生长的作用。

    Conclusion : The raise of intracellular cAMP levels of cerebella granule neurons indirectly and directly induced by chorea toxin and dibutyryl cAMP can block the inhibitory effects of neurite growth by myelin membrane proteins .

  12. OMgp不同结构域在抑制神经突起生长中的作用

    Distinct Effects of OMgp Domains in Neurite Outgrowth Inhibition

  13. 为了提高红外目标的识别性能,提出了一种KPCA联合并联抑制神经网络变换。

    A novel joint KPCA ( kernel principal component analysis ) shunting inhibition neural network transformation is presented to improve the recognition capability of infrared target .

  14. 结论IGF-1对局灶性脑缺血再灌注损伤有保护作用,在脑缺血损伤时IGF-1能通过血脑屏障,IGF-1可通过抑制神经细胞调亡发挥作用。

    Conclusion IGF-1 plays a protective role in focal cerebral ischemia-reperfusion . IGF-1 can pass through blood-CSF barrier in cerebral ischemia injure . It acts as a protective role by inhibiting apoptotic cascade activity .

  15. 结论:3-NPA顶处理诱导脑缺血耐受与降低Caspase-3活性,进而抑制神经细胞凋亡有关。

    Conclusion ; The development of 3-NPA-induced ischemic tolerance in brain may be related to decreases in caspase - 3 activation , which leads to decreased neural cell apoptosis .

  16. 上述结果提示侧脑室内注射TRH后,可能激活中枢胆碱能系统,然后通过迷走神经中非肾上腺素能抑制神经而使胃肠推进运动减弱。

    The results indicate that TRH has an inhibitory effect on the propulsive motility of gastrointestinal tract , which may be mediated via the non-adrenergic inhibitory nerve of the vagal nerves .

  17. 结论低氧预适应可减少大脑中动脉缺血3h再灌注后梗死体积,增强Bcl2及减少Bax的表达,抑制神经细胞的凋亡可能是其脑保护机制之一。

    Conclusion One of the mechanisms of brain protection by hypoxic preconditioning may be contributed to the decrease of the brain infarct volume , neural apoptosis , and the expression of Bax and the increase of the expression of Bcl-2 .

  18. 结论DSQ-03含药脑脊液可抑制神经细胞凋亡,其最佳时间窗为0h~24h。

    Conclusion Beagle dog CSF containing DSQ-03 herbal composition was able to inhibit the neural apoptosis . The therapeutic time window of AICH treated with DSQ-03 herbal medicine was 0 h to 24 h.

  19. 目的观察复方银杏滴丸(CO-GBE)抑制神经细胞内钙超载的作用,并分析其作用环节。

    OBJECTIVE To observe the effect of compound ginkgo biloba extract on inhibiting nerve intracellular calcium overload and analyze its probable active mechanism .

  20. 利用抑制神经系统的WinnerLessCompetition(WLC)模型,通过数值方法分析Mulloney型龙虾胃肠神经系统神经元的电位发放,得到胃研磨囊和幽门神经系统中各个神经元的电位发放和系统的节律变化。

    With help of WLC model of inhibition nervous system and lobster neural structure of Mulloney 's , neuron electric spike of lobster stomatogastric neural system was numerically analyzed and the changing activity of gastric network and pyloric network were obtained .

  21. RTNs蛋白定位内质网膜上,高等脊椎动物中枢神经受损时,RTN4-A/Nogo-A起抑制神经生长的作用,RTNs蛋白家族其余成员的功能还不是很清楚,可能与胞内运输,细胞分裂和细胞凋亡等有关。

    RTNs functions might relate to those of the endoplasmic reticulum for example , intracellular trafficking , cell division and apoptosis . Nogo / RTN4-A could inhibit neurite growth from the cell surface via specific receptors .

  22. 其机制可能为抑制神经细胞凋亡。

    Moreover , its mechanism is the inhibition of neuronal apoptosis .

  23. 凝血酶抑制神经细胞突起生长的研究

    Study on the mechanisms of thrombin to inhibit neurite outgrowth

  24. 具时滞的分路抑制神经网络的概周期解(英文)

    Almost Periodic Solutions of Shunting Inhibitory CNNs with Delays ;

  25. 髓鞘结合糖蛋白抑制神经干细胞向神经元分化和轴突生长

    Myelin-associated glycoprotein inhibits the differentiation and neurite growth of neural stem cells

  26. 一种并联抑制神经网络结构及学习算法

    A Shunting Inhibition Neural Network Structure and Learning Algorithm

  27. 利用侧抑制神经网络的边界识别

    Edge Detection Using Lateral Inhibition Neural Network

  28. 结论:脊髓减压术能有效抑制神经细胞凋亡。

    CONCLUSION : The spinal cord decompression can effectively inhibit the apoptosis of nerve cells .

  29. 讨论利用侧抑制神经网络边界识别的方法。

    The paper proposes a method for edge detection based upon a lateral inhibition neural network .

  30. 它们会抑制神经中枢中与对他人进行批判性社会评价和消极情绪有关的活动。

    They suppress neural activity associated with critical social assessment of other people and negative emotions .