
  • 网络Iambic Pentameter
  1. 他首先运用自己创建的音组理论翻译莎剧,以汉语音组对应莎剧原文的抑扬格五音步,力求达旨而传神。

    He initially applied the theory of metre to translating the Shakespearean dramas . The Chinese sound groups correspond with the iambic Pentameter in source texts .

  2. 就技巧方面而言,祂们打破了抑扬格五音步的格律,用前所未有的形式展示出一种自由,由此而扩充了这个新生国家的文学独立。

    In technical terms , both added to the literary independence of the new nation by breaking free of the convention of the iambic pentameter and exhibiting a freedom in form unknown before .