
fǎn chèn
  • Contrast;serve as a foil to;set off by contrast
反衬 [fǎn chèn]
  • [set off by contrast;serve as a foil to] 从相反的方面来衬托

反衬[fǎn chèn]
  1. 在他看来,她的平静反衬出了他的放纵。

    He thought of her serenity as a foil for his intemperance

  2. 一个丑女人可以将美丽的姑娘反衬得更加漂亮。

    An ugly woman serves as a foil to a pretty girl .

  3. 反衬可以使一样东西比单独看时更美。

    Contrast may make something appear more beautiful than it is when seen alone .

  4. 白雪反衬着樱桃,看上去格外鲜红。

    Red berries stood in vivid contrast against the snow .

  5. 复原方法将观测到的rms反衬值由5%增强到18%;

    The reconstruction method enhances the observed 5 % value to rm contrast to 18 % ;

  6. ASoftSunset柔和的日落这张极好的照片显示了反衬在橙红色天空里的钙华塔,背景是内华达山脉里玫瑰色的薄雾。

    This stunning shot shows the towers ' reflections against the salmon pink sky , with the periwinkle haze of the Sierra Nevada Mountains in the background .

  7. 故事的主要发生地为上等阶层居住生活的大英联盟(UnitedFederationofBritain)和与此形成反衬的殖民区,在我们的时代可能被认为是澳大利亚。

    The main locales are the United Federation of Britain , where the upper classes live , and the dystopian precincts of the Colony , which could have passed in our time for Australia .

  8. 安德森招聘工作主管PhilHan称,科技行业招聘MBA毕业生人数上升的推动因素在于,硅谷的关键人物改变了对MBA的态度,同时很多科技公司意识到:它们已成为过去被自己用作反衬的那种大型公司。

    The increase in technology industry hirings is being driven by changing attitudes among Silicon Valley 's key players and an acknowledgment that many have become the kinds of large companies they used to contrast themselves with , according to Phil Han , Anderson 's director of recruiting operations .

  9. 反衬度、反射率、自由光谱带宽是FFP干涉仪的重要性能指标,而FFP腔光波几何衰减因子、端面反射率及腔长3个参数又是影响这些指标的主要因素。

    Discrimination , reflectivity and FSW ( free spectrum width ), which are determined by the geometric attenuation factor of optic field and reflectivity of two ends greatly , are the important factors of FFP ( fiber Fabry-Perot ) .

  10. 相干光学成像系统反衬度反转的讨论

    The Discussion of Reversal of Contrast in Coherent Optical Image System

  11. 人造石英单晶中位错双折射像的反衬

    The optical contrast of dislocation in synthetic quartz with BIREFRINGENCE TOPOGRAPHY

  12. 基于反衬度的钠光特征谱线实验研究

    The Experimental Research Based on the Natrium 's Characteristic Light

  13. 大多数星系协是小的,密度反衬低。

    Most galaxy associations are small and have a low density contrast .

  14. 连续调节反衬度观察位相物体的新方法

    New Method for Observing The Phase Object by Continuously Adjusting the Contrast

  15. 她对萨利来说既是绝妙的反衬,又是完美的补充。

    She was a perfect contrast and complement to sally .

  16. 反衬的改善和炫光的减少是很明显的。

    The improved contrast and glare reduction is apparent .

  17. 司法实践的先行反衬出现有立法的不足。

    The advancement of the judicial practice reflects the defect of present legislation .

  18. 中、英语言文化差异在商务书信中的反衬

    The Reflection of Cultural Differences between Chinese and English in Business Letter Writing

  19. 你们需要我作为反衬来取得平衡,需要把我作为祈祷文来求得内心的安宁。”

    You need me for balance and contrast , for prayer and inner peace .

  20. 对于一个扩展的图象,球差会减少反衬度并使图象的细节模糊。

    For an extended image , SA would reduce the contrast and degrade the details .

  21. 反衬手法是梅溪词运用较为成功的艺术表现手法之一。

    Set-off technique is " Meixi Ci " 's one of more successful artistic expression means .

  22. 天气好的时候,群山与湛蓝的天空形成鲜明的反衬。

    On a clear day , the mountains stand in sharp contrast to the blue sky .

  23. 围巾反衬出裙子的颜色。

    The scarf picks up the color of the skirt ; His eyes picked up his smile .

  24. 俄语谚语中的特殊反衬

    Special Antitheses In Russian Proverbs

  25. 匠心独运的反衬惊世骇俗的震撼&浅议欧·亨利短篇小说的艺术特色

    Ingenious Contrast and Frightening Shocks & On the Artistic Characteristics of O · Henry 's Short Novels

  26. 他20本书中的大多数幽默都是基于将现实世界与知识分子反衬而构成的。

    The humour of most of his20 books is based on confronting intellectuals with the real world .

  27. 另外,为了达到设计上的分辨距离还要有良好的照明和反衬度。

    In addition , to obtain the designed resolution distance , gnd lighting and good contrast are necessary .

  28. 明暗反衬,明暗对照

    Light and shade contrast

  29. 历史与现实的反衬在思想史研究上特别有魅力。

    In the study of history of ideas , the contrast of history with reality is very intriguing .

  30. 父权的衰退&《荆棘鸟》克利里家族女性的觉醒的反衬

    The Decay of Paternity & probing from the female consciousness of the Cleary Family in The Thorn Birds