
  1. 他是本届反恐怖活动工作组组长。

    He 's head of the current working group on terrorism .

  2. 浅谈反恐怖活动的刑事立法

    A Brief Study on the Criminal Legislation of Anti-Terrorist Activities

  3. 反恐怖活动中化学毒剂检测的进展

    On The Process of Anti-terrorist Chemical Poisonous Substance Testing

  4. 反恐怖活动应变计划

    Counter terrorism contingency plan

  5. 反恐怖活动及生物和化学战剂的检测

    Antiterrorism Fast and Field Detection of Biological and Chemical Agents Bio chemical Methods for the Detection of Chemical and Biological Warfare Agents

  6. 《俄罗斯联邦反恐怖活动法》是一部比较系统完备的反恐立法,借鉴其先进经验可以促使我国反恐立法的完善。

    Russian Anti-terrorism Law is a comparatively systemic and perfect act , so China can learn its progressive experience to perfect our anti-terrorism legislation .

  7. 讨论了现在的地球和空间科学研究以及环境监测等地球物理技术在反恐怖活动以及在国家军事方面的重要意义及应用。

    The importance and application of geophysical technique , like the modern research of earth and space science , and the inspection of environment , to the anti terrorism campaign and military affairs are also discussed .

  8. 通过反恐怖活动巩固美土同盟关系。布什政府对土耳其外交政策的调整是多种因素所使然,其中包括历史原因、土耳其的重要地缘战略地位以及美国称霸全球战略的需要。

    The reasons for these adjustments are the results of many factors , which include , among others , historical reasons and Turkey 's important strategic status and America 's need of its strategy to dominate the world .

  9. 本文介绍了国际上惩治恐怖活动的刑事立法,同时对我国反恐怖活动的刑事立法进行了探讨,并提出了进一步完善我国反恐怖活动的立法意见。

    In this article , the author introduces the criminal legislation for punishing terrorist activities in the world , simultaneously probes the legislation of anti-terrorist activities in China , and puts forward the viewpoint of further perfecting the legislation of anti-terrorist activities .

  10. 美国反网络恐怖活动的情报工作及对我国的启示

    Intelligence Work of Anti-terrorist Activities in US and the Enlightenment to China

  11. 随着核技术应用范围的扩大和反核恐怖活动的需要,建立和完善辐射环境监测系统变得越来越重要。

    With the application enlargement of nuclear technology and the necessary of anti-terror , it is becoming more and more important to establish and update the environmental radiation monitoring system .