
  • 网络training requirements
  1. 我们必须为了今后达到训练要求。

    We 've got to meet training requirements for the future .

  2. 我们的训练要求是全行业中最严格的。

    Our training requirements are the most stringent in the industry .

  3. 达到训练要求的人工神经网络模型可以用来预测PEMFC的性能。

    Trained ANN model can be used to predict the performance of the PEMFC .

  4. 速度滑冰运动专项力量的生理特点与训练要求

    Physiological Characteristics and Training Requirement of Speed Skaters ' Special Strength

  5. 浅析篮板球的技术特点及训练要求

    Primarily Discuss on Techniques Features of Rebounds and Training Request

  6. 女排运动员的身心特征及训练要求

    A Brief Analysis of Women Volleyball Players ' Characteristics and Training Rules

  7. 探讨乒乓球发球的规则与训练要求

    A Discuss on Ping-pong Service Rules and The Request of The Training

  8. 课程是为了适应每个学生的训练要求而设计的。

    Courses are designed to match the training requirements of each student .

  9. 结果表明,仿真系统完全满足训练要求。

    The results are satisfied for training purpose .

  10. 廊坊市中学的篮球场地乐观,基本达到了训练要求。

    5 , Langfang secondary school basketball court optimistic , basically reaching training requirements .

  11. 投篮技术与训练要求

    Shooting Skills and Training Requests

  12. 跆拳道训练要求学习传统套路中既优雅又有力的踢脚、出拳和阻档技巧。

    Training requires learning the graceful and powerful kicking , punching and blocking techniques practiced in traditional sets .

  13. 会场内并会播放影片,介绍航海工作的训练要求和发展机会。

    A video on the training requirements and career paths of seafaring will also be on show throughout the exhibition period .

  14. 本研究开发了一套手指康复机器人系统,基本满足临床运动康复训练要求,为下一代手指康复机器人的研究打下基础。

    The system basically meets the need of clinical movement rehabilitation training , and makes the foundation for next generation finger rehabilitation robot .

  15. 力求使消防站设计更方便使用,达到消防人员的训练要求。

    It is a problem for the designer to consider that how to facilitate the use of plant fire station and meet the requirements of the firemen .

  16. 本系统的最大特点是采用无线通信方式,避免了现场布线的不便,可以满足更多的训练要求。

    Compared with other training systems , the most characteristic of this system is its wireless communication , avoiding the unconvenience of laying cables and meeting more requirements .

  17. 语文训练要求欠具体、明确,难于达到运用知识并转变为技能的目的;

    The Chinese training requirement is not so material and definite , so it is hard to reach the purpose of handling the knowledge and turning it into skills ;

  18. 大多数国家都组建有一支顶级的军事力量;这支部队由现役士兵中的精英组成,有着更高的选拔标准及更严苛的训练要求。

    On top of the ' regular ' military forces , most nations have an elite group of service personnel who are held to a higher standard of requirements and training .

  19. 通过实验研究,该系统能够很好的完成对患者下肢的被动训练要求,为今后开展进一步的研究打下了基础。

    Through experimental research , the system is able to complete training requirements of patients requiring lower limb passive training well , and laid the foundation for research in the future .

  20. 现代军事模拟训练要求较高的仿真分辨率和仿真逼真度,并且要求有一定的仿真规模,因此,传统的作战模拟方法已经不能满足军事训练的全部要求。

    Higher discretion level , more simulation liveness and larger simulation scale were needed in modern military simulation training . Therefore the traditional operation simulation method cannot meet the modern needs .

  21. 本文系统阐述了导入技能运用的基本过程、使用误区和训练要求,着重介绍了几种常见的导入类型。

    This paper discusses systematically the basic process of the introducing skill application , misuses of the skill and requirements for the skill training , and recommends some frequently used types of introducing .

  22. 本文运用解剖、生理学有关理论知识和擒拿格斗术的技术要素,阐述了有关的身体素质训练要求。

    The body diathesis training is major base of arrest and combat . This paper expounds the body diathesis training of arrest and combat , by using knowledge of anatomy and physiology , skill requirement of arrest and combat .

  23. 完全适应院校和科研单位对船用雷达及ARPA设备进行陆上实验和训练的要求。

    The radar simulator thus developed accords with the requirments of no-land training and scientific research on marine radar and ARPA units .

  24. 由于英语听力训练的要求,提出了一种WAV音频文件分句播放技术,并给出在VC++上实现的一个实例。

    This paper describes a new separated playing technique for WAV audio-files that can be applied to English listening tests . Furthermore , an instance is offered by the VC + + .

  25. 态势语训练的要求及其内容

    On the Content and Requirement of the Training of Body Language

  26. 初中读写训练层级要求

    Gradational Requirements for the Training in Reading and writing in Junior Middle Schools

  27. 德国通过对参选者规定的必须参加管理训练的要求完全展现了他们的处事法则。

    German thoroughness manifests itself in requiring that applicants have a training in administration .

  28. 采用(丙酮+空气)-水物系的吸收实验系统能更好地体现工程性训练的要求。

    The absorb experiment by acetone-air gas and water can realize the requirement of engineering exercises .

  29. 在那里,训练者要求队员脱得一丝不挂,跳进冰冷的湖中,在水下给橄榄球打气。

    There they were told to strip naked , jumpsintosa freezing lake and pump up rugby balls underwater .

  30. 利用已有的实例对神经网络进行训练达到要求精度,使神经网络能够代替有限元分析达到快速分析的目的。

    BP neural networks was trained and took the place of the FE analysis in order to design rapidly .