
  • 网络Training Venue
  1. 在它隔壁,就是篮球训练场馆和田径训练场馆。

    Nearby , there are basket training venue and training ground track field .

  2. 体育标语在国家体操队训练场馆中的应用研究

    Application of sports slogans in training venues of Chinese Gymnastics Team

  3. 训练场馆和辅助设施无法满足训练的需求。

    Training venues and auxiliary facilities can not meet the training needs .

  4. 北京奥运会所使用的比赛及训练场馆广泛采用了空间结构的形式。

    Space structures are extensively used as roof structures of competition and training gymnasiums in Beijing Olympic Games .

  5. 此外,还要改造59个训练场馆及配套建设残奥会专用设施。

    In addition , 59 training sites will be renovated and special facilities for the Paralympics will be constructed .

  6. 然而不可否认,训练场馆为运动员提供高水平的训练场地和配套服务,是奥运会、残奥会场馆运行工作的重要组成部分。

    There is no doubt that training venues which provide high quality training places and related services are an important component for the venue operation of Olympics .

  7. 训练场馆拥有最先进的设备和器材,我们也有许多方法来让人们达到锻炼的目的,然而这些却不用花费太多的费用。

    While the professional studios come equipped with all the latest machines and aids , there are plenty of ways a person can get sufficient exercise without incurring the cost associated with studio fees .

  8. 第三,通化地区青少年篮球训练场馆虽然能基本满足训练的需求,但设施比较陈旧,在一定程度上影响了篮球运动员训练的积极性。

    Third , the young basketball training venues in tonghua although can meet the demand of basic training , but facilities quite obsolete , and affected to some extent the basketball players training the enthusiasm .

  9. 两省排球训练的场馆设施需要维护与修缮;训练器材略显缺乏,较原始,教练员需借它物助训。

    The two provinces ' volleyball venue and facilities need maintaining and repairing ; train apparatus are scarce and relatively primitive , so coaches need lend other things to help training .

  10. 大赛期间,去训练、比赛场馆有专车接送。

    You are provided with designated buses during the games to the training and competition venues .

  11. 馆是香港首家将壶铃训练列入计划的场馆。

    TRIQUEST is one of the first gyms in HK to use kettlebells as part of our conditioning plan .

  12. 由于训练人员多,场馆不足等问题,每个场馆对于教练员的需求量巨大,难免会降低教练员素质。

    As aresult of the training staff , venues the problem such as inadequacy , each of the venues for thecoaches ' demand is huge , it will reduce the quality of coaches .