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  • Training Day
  1. 比如《肖申克的救赎》(TheShawshankRedemption,1994))中的蒂姆·罗宾斯(TimRobbins)、《为黛西小姐开车》(DrivingMissDaisy,1989)中的杰西卡·坦迪(JessicaTandy),或《训练日》中的伊桑·霍克(EthanHawke)。

    Think of Tim Robbins in " The Shawshank Redemption " ( 1994 ) , Jessica Tandy in " Driving Miss Daisy " ( 1989 ) or Ethan Hawke in " Training Day . "

  2. 或是《训练日》里面的阿伦佐这都没问题但是毕业典礼呢?

    Or Alonzo from Training Day . I can do that But a commencement speech ?

  3. 东南沿海部队濒海训练日晒伤342例临床分析

    Clinical analysis of 342 cases of sunburn during seaside training in Southeast of China

  4. 随着赛事的全面展开,今天是最后一个训练日了。

    Today is the last day of practice before the tourney kicks into full swing .

  5. 大约7~10个训练日便可使家兔建立起巩固的操作式条件反射。

    It needed 7 to 10 days for establishing stable operational conditioned reflex with the rabbits .

  6. 以国家皮划艇激流回旋集训队运动员为研究对象,应用称重法进行连续5个训练日膳食调查。

    Taking the national canoe kayak slalom team as research subject , this paper made dietary investigation on five continuous training days by using the method of weight .

  7. 尽管华盛顿因为在动作片《训练日》中所扮演的一个腐败的警察而荣获奥斯卡最佳男演员,但他更喜欢出演复杂的人物而非动作英雄。

    Although his Best Actor Oscar came for Training Day , an action movie in which he plays a corrupt cop , Washington prefers to play deep character roles rather than action heroes .

  8. 不过,这些角色最后似乎都进了监狱(如果犯罪行为并不是没有侵害他人,比如在《训练日》或《与爱何干》中,那么犯罪者通常从没进过监狱)。

    These characters tend to end up in jail anyway . ( When the crime is not victimless , as in " Training Day " or " What 's Love Got to Do With It , " the perpetrators often never see the inside of a jail cell . )

  9. 这对皇室夫妇拥抱了小警犬,小警犬正在接受训练以便日后加入新西兰警方K9联盟。

    The royal couple cuddled tiny police puppies that are being trained for the New Zealand police K9 union .

  10. 我从高中时代起,进行了14年的跑步专业训练,一日两跑是我训练方法的特色。

    From the time I was in high school , and throughout the14 years I spent running professionally , running twice a day was a staple of my training regimen .

  11. 在惯常的训练程式中加入交叉训练和休息日。

    Incorporate cross training and rest days into your routine .

  12. 英超的韦布说,裁判们进行体能训练,可以在教室里看视频,但没有什么比到训练场模拟比赛日的现场更棒的了。

    ' We do physical training , we can watch videos in a classroom , but there 's nothing better than being out on a training field and actually replicating what we do on match days , ' said the Premier League 's Webb .