
xiàng yí
  • phase shift;phase shifting
相移[xiàng yí]
  1. 在FTP测量中,常利用π相移方法来消除零频,以避免频谱混叠,提高FTP的测量精度。

    In Fourier transform profilometry ,π phase shift is often used to eliminate zero frequency for avoiding spectral mixing and overlapping , thus the measuring accuracy can be improved .

  2. 相移键控(Phase-Shift-KeyingPSK)信号是一类常见的数字通信调制信号。

    Phase Shift Keying ( Phase-Shift-Keying PSK ) signal is a kind of common digital communication modulation signal .

  3. 空间载波相移法用于全息CT测量气体温度场

    Spatial carrier phase-shifting method to the holographic CT measurement of gas temperature field

  4. 基于DSP的PWM加相移控制的双向DC/DC变换器

    DSP Controlled PWM Plus Phase-Shift Bidirectional DC / DC Converter

  5. 有源R全通相移网络

    Active R rll-pass phase shift networks

  6. SEM扫描云纹法的相移技术研究

    Phase shifting techniques for SEM scanning moire method

  7. 大非线性相移下光学非线性Z扫描特性的研究

    Study on Z-scan characteristics for large optical nonlinear phase shift

  8. 该文提出了一种PWM加相移控制的双向DC/DC变换器。

    A PWM plus phase-shift control bidirectional DC / DC converter is proposed .

  9. 用非理想频率特性模型设计线性相移非递归型(FIR)数字滤波器的探讨

    Study of linear phase FIR digital filters using non-ideal frequency characteristic models

  10. 集成运放RC相移型振荡器振荡频率的分析与计算

    Oscillation frequency analysis and calculation of integrated operational amplifier RC phase shift oscillator

  11. 经过优化设计,最后给出了一个高性能的工作在毫米波段的MEMS相移器的实例。

    After optimization , a high performance Millimeterwave MEMS phase shifter is obtained .

  12. MEMS显微干涉测量系统中相移器性能的研究

    Study on the Performance of Phase-Shifter in the MEMS Microscopic Interferometric Measuring System

  13. 弯曲时空中的COW相移及Anandan-Stodolsky效应

    Cow Phase Shift and A-S Effect in Curved Space-Time

  14. 实现信号90°相移的Hilbert滤波器设计

    Hilbert Filter Design for Making Phase of Signal Lag 90 °

  15. 一种用于干涉型光纤传感器动态相移测量的J0-J1法

    A J_0-J_1 Method for Measurement of Dynamic Phase Changes in an Interferometric Fiber Sensor

  16. PZT相移系统及其标定方法的研究与应用

    Research and Application of PZT Phase Shifting System and Calibration Method

  17. 相移干涉仪中步进相移新方法:LD波长&温度调制

    A New Method of Phase-stepping by Changing the Temperature of LD in Phase Shifting Interferometry

  18. 有损压缩JPEG在相移法位相解调的应用评估

    Evaluation of using lossy-JPEG image compression in phase demodulation with phase shifting method

  19. 反射相移对法拉第镜式OCT影响的理论研究

    Influence of reflection-induced retardation upon Faraday mirror-typed optical current transformers

  20. 介绍了PWM加相移控制(PPS控制)双向DC/DC变换器的原理和典型拓扑。

    The principle and typical topology of PPS control bidirectional DC / DC converter are introduced .

  21. 三电平开关功率放大器用的相移SPWM技术

    Application of Phase-shifted SPWM Technique in a Switch-mode Power Amplifier based on Three-level

  22. PWM加相移(PPS)控制技术是将PWM技术与相移控制技术相结合的技术。

    PWM plus phase-shift ( PPS ) control technique is a technique combining PWM control technique and phase-shift control technique .

  23. 载波相移级联H桥型多电平变流器及其在有源电力滤波器中的应用研究多电平换流器直流侧电容电压模糊控制技术

    Cascade H-bridge Multilevel Converter with Carrier Phase-shifted SPWM Technique and Its Application to Active Power Filter The Study of DC Link Capacitance Voltage in Multi-level PWM Converter with Fuzzy Controller

  24. 介绍了一种适用于二相相移键控(BPSK)扩频调制信号的数字式处理方法。

    This paper proposes a novel digital IF processing method of BPSK signal .

  25. 级联型多电平变频器控制策略除了采用载波相移PWM技术外,阶梯波算法也是一种比较好的控制策略。

    The carrier shifted-phase PWM technique can been used in cascade multilevel inverter , in addition , the step waveform strategy is good strategy , too .

  26. 数字调制信号分三种基本类型:多进制幅度键控MASK、多进制相移键控MPSK和多进制频移键控MFSK。

    There are three basic types of digitally modulated signal : MASK , MPSK and MFSK .

  27. 利用快速傅立叶变换分析PMP相移机构的相移误差

    The Analysis of the Phase-Shift Error of the PMP Phase-Shift Device Using FFT Method

  28. 厚度偏差对VCSEL的反射谱和反射相移的影响

    Effect of Thickness Deviation on the Reflection Spectra and Phase Shift of VCSELs

  29. 频域滤波及相移技术在ESPI中的应用

    Application of Fourier Algorithm and Phase Shifting Method in ESPI

  30. 将光纤一臂绕在压电陶瓷(PZT)环引入相移。

    A piezoelectric ( PZT ) cylinder wrapped by one arm of the optical fiber coupler is utilized to introduce phase shift .