
  • 网络correlated sampling;coherent sampling
  1. ATE系统中基于相关采样定理的ADC测试方法和波形重建

    Waveform reconstructing method and effect to ADC parameter testing based on coherent sampling in ATE system

  2. 基于相关双采样技术的CCD视频信号处理研究

    Research on CCD Video Signal Processing Based on Correlated Double Sampling

  3. 本文研究了单片集成的CCD读出电路,设计了前置放大器、低通滤波器和相关双采样三个子模块电路。

    The sub-module includes pre-amplifier , lowpass filter and the correlated double sampling circuit .

  4. 一种红外CMOS读出电路相关双采样结构

    A CMOS Correlated Double Sampling Structure for the Readout Circuit of IRFPA

  5. 分析了相关双采样技术对CCD噪声的抑制能力;

    The noise elimination ability of CDS technique is analyzed and the improvement of SNR is calculated .

  6. 一种用于大面积CMOSFPA的相关双采样保持电路

    A New Correlated-double-sampling Circuit for Large Format CMOS FPA

  7. 利用相关双采样(CDS)技术消除了低频噪声和直流失调。

    Correlated double sampling ( CDS ) circuit is used to eliminate the low frequency noise and DC offset .

  8. 针对硬件电路中复位噪声对光谱探测器(CCD)的影响,利用了一种数字降噪技术的相关双采样方法,取得了良好的效果。

    A correlated double sampling method is presented to reduce the effect of resetting noise to spectrum detector ( CCD ) on circuit design .

  9. 实验表明,用相关双采样抑制CIS中的噪声,能够得到较为满意的结果。

    The experiment shows that satisfying results are obtained by using the technique of suppressing noise for CIS based on CDS .

  10. 采用相关双采样技术滤除CCD输出信号复位噪声,提高了视频信号的信噪比。

    After adopting the correlated double sampling technique and filtering the reset noise of CCD , the paper enhance the signal to noise ratio of the video signal .

  11. 其次,研究了CCD复位噪声的相关双采样理论,并对复位噪声的相关性进行了定量的分析和计算,给出了复位噪声相关的条件。

    Secondly , the Correlated Double Sampling ( CDS ) and the correlation of resetting noise was closely analyzed and calculated , then gave out the correlation condition .

  12. 该传感器还致力于减少噪音和提高动态范围在一个相关双采样(CDS)的滚动快门模式。

    The sensor also works in a rolling shutter mode with Correlated Double Sampling ( CDS ) to reduce noise and increase dynamic range .

  13. 创造性的引入了一种新的CDS相关双采样电路,与传统的双采样电路分别进行仿真比较。

    I introduce a new creative CDS circuit . Compared with traditional CDS circuit , it simplifies the structure of the circuit and eliminates the mismatch .

  14. 课题寻求了一种抑制CCD输出噪声的新方法,这种方法较之现存的相关双采样技术具有稳定性高、制作成本低、便于与A/D转换器连接等优点。

    We discover a new method to reduce the noise of CCD which is better than the current methods in stability , cost and interfacing with the A / D converters .

  15. 分析研究了CCD输出信号的噪声成分和相应的抑制方法,针对已有的相关双采样电路的局限性提出了一种基于数字技术双采样的方法来降低信号噪声。

    Through the analysis about the noise composition and corresponding suppression measures , a double sampling method based on digital technique is presented in allusion to the limitation of existing methods .

  16. 实现了支持积分同时读出(IWR)的相关双采样(CDS)及其可测性设计。

    The ROIC can support CDS with IWR ( Integration while read ) and give the testable design .

  17. 基于我们提出的读出电路结构,一个完整焦平面CMOS读出电路被设计出来,设计出的读出电路具有较强抑噪能力的相关双采样(CDS)电路。

    Based on the above structure , a complete CMOS ROIC of FPA with this structure is designed , the designed circuit has correlated double sampling ( CDS ) circuits which has high noise depressing ability .

  18. 最后在建立CDS传输函数及噪声分析模型的基础上,利用最适合的相关双采样技术对CCD信号存在的复位噪声及其它低频噪声的抑制进行了相关测试。

    Based on the established models of correlated double sampling ( CDS ) transmission function and noise analysis model , the restrain of reset noises and other low frequency noises in CCD signal are tested by using the most suitable CDS technology .

  19. 提出具有电容反馈负导放大器(CTIA)及相关双采样(CDS)结构的读出电路设计,并基于PSPICE软件进行了模拟分析。

    A ROIC design that has the Capacitor Feedback Transimpedance Amplifier ( CTIA ) and Correlated Double Sampling ( CDS ) structure is put forward , which is simulated and analyzed based on the PSPICE software .

  20. 通过片外的积分和相关双采样结构,不仅减小了电路的固定模式噪声和KTC开关噪声;

    Through the improved shared off FPA integration and CDS structure , the fixed pattern noise ( FPN ) and KTC reset noise are reduced greatly ;

  21. 在采用相关双采样技术后,可以显著降低探测器在500Hz以下频率范围内的固定模式噪声。

    A correlated double sampling ( CDS ) structure is applied to reduce the fixed pattern noise in the frequency range below 500 Hz .

  22. 研究了一种新型相关双采样CTIA结构的焦平面读出电路,该电路采用光学调制器产生的信号来控制MOS管轮流导通,通过积分电容充放电,实现光电流转化为电压的过程。

    A novel focal array readout circuit with correlated double sampling CTIA structure is studied . The circuit charges and discharges the integration capacitor according to signals generated by an optical modulator which controls MOS Transistors with alternated turn-on , realizing the photon-current transformation .

  23. 相关双采样技术在航天相机中的应用研究

    Application research of correlated double sampling technique in space camera

  24. 为此,在积分器中引入相关双采样电路。

    Therefore , the correlated double sampling circuit is introduced in the integrator .

  25. 实际中,采用一种新的相关双采样器件设计电路,并经过试验验证。

    In reality , a new circuit of the CDS device is adopted .

  26. 几种相关双采样拓扑电路分析

    Study on Topological Schemes of Correlated Double Sampling

  27. 基于相关双采样的接触式图像传感器的噪声抑制

    The Technique of Suppressing Noise for Contact Image Sensor Based on Correlated Double Sampling

  28. 利用相关双采样技术有效地消除复位噪声;

    The reset noise can be virtually eliminated using CDS ( correIated doubIe sampling ) technique .

  29. 分析了相关双采样电路的工作原理,在此基础上进行了实验。

    CDS circuit principle is analyzed , and experiment of suppressing noise for CIS based on CDS is made .

  30. 文中分析了三种抑制噪声的方法,相关双采样法、双斜积分法、开关指数滤波法。

    Signal processing schemes described in this paper are double correlated sampling , dual slope integration and switched exponential filtering .