
  • 网络One time display;head
  1. 该分页UI使您能够在所显示的数据之间向前和向后导航,并且一次显示固定数量的记录。

    The paging UI allows you to navigate backwards and forwards through displayed data , displaying a fixed number of records at a time .

  2. 当在DataGrid中设置了分页,那么将一次显示一个特定数目的结果。

    When paging is enabled in the DataGrid , a fixed number of records is shown at a time .

  3. 控件,该控件一次显示一个月的日期。

    Control , which displays dates a month at a time .

  4. 设置该属性以指定一次显示多少项。

    Set to specify how many items should be displayed at once .

  5. 允许一次显示5条记录。

    The page is enabled to show 5 records at a time .

  6. 第二个视图一次显示了许多资源,所以需要为它采用不同的模板。

    The second view displays many resources at once , so you need a different template for it .

  7. 控件一次显示一条记录,可进行编辑、删除和插入记录的操作。

    Control displays one record at a time and allows you to edit , delete , and insert records .

  8. 监控程序和其它系统进程交换信息两种通信方法:动态显示通信方法、一次显示通信方法。

    There are two communication methods between MMI and other systemic program : Dynamic Display Communications Method and One-Shot Communications Method .

  9. 麦当劳又一次显示了其在任命新老板方面的快速决断能力。

    After all , McDonald 's had , again , shown how to act swiftly and decisively in appointing a new boss .

  10. 这又一次显示了功能对等理论的重要性,因为该理念在翻译批评中给予了原文和译文接受者他们应得的地位。

    This again shows the significance of the theory of functional equivalence which gives receptors their appropriate status in translation work and its evaluation .

  11. 在这个例子中,可以看到许多具体的服务,这一次显示版本信息,甚至是各种情况下提供的应用程序信息。

    In this case , you can see a number of specific services , this time showing the version and even application information that is provided in each case .

  12. 从前的体育课的参与者们几乎即刻分成了两个对立阵营:那些有天赋的运动员,他们曾参加多项运动,把体育课看成是又一次显示自己的机会;

    Today , former PE participants divide almost instantly into opposing camps : the gifted athletes , who played several sports and viewed PE class as one more chance to shine ;

  13. 最近一次统计显示通胀率为10.9%。

    At the last count inflation was 10.9 per cent

  14. 选举结果公布后的最近一次调查显示,人们普遍对未来持乐观态度。

    There were obvious signs of the feel-good factor in the last survey taken in the wake of the election result .

  15. 这当然比用iPad强。iPad一次只能显示一个应用程序,你需要按home键两次才能切换应用程序。

    It sure beat using the iPad , which displays one app at a time and requires you to press the home button twice to switch apps .

  16. 上周,哥伦比亚广播公司/《纽约时报》(CBS/NewYorkTimes)的一次民调显示,25%的选民不相信奥巴马生于美国,还有18%的人称自己不清楚。

    A CBS / New York Times poll showed last week that 25 per cent of voters did not believe Mr Obama was born in the US , while another 18 per cent said they did not know .

  17. 国际商业机器公司(IBM)2011年对通勤的心理影响和经济影响进行的一次调查显示,在通勤者的痛苦程度方面,北京和深圳仅次于墨西哥城。

    In a 2011 survey from International Business Machines Corp. on the emotional and economic toll of commuting , Beijing and the southern boomtown of Shenzhen were second only to Mexico City in terms of commuter misery .

  18. 美国NationalPen公司开展的一次调查显示,字迹小的人往往比较腼腆、细心并且勤奋好学;而字迹较大的人则更加开朗外向,并且喜欢引起别人的注意。

    According to the research which was conducted by the National Pen Company , it is revealed that persons with small handwriting tend to be shy , meticulous and studious while people who were more outgoing tried gaining attention with larger handwriting .

  19. 6月20日盖洛普(Gallup)开展的一次调查显示,43%的回应者认可朴槿惠的政绩,而48%的回应者则表示失望。

    A Gallup poll on June 20 found that 43 per cent of respondents approved of the president 's performance , while 48 per cent disapproved .

  20. 银行家们表示,许多公司还没有意识到用人民币直接与中国企业进行贸易结算的好处德银(deutschebank)不久前的一次调查显示,这么做可以减少近5%的发票。

    Bankers say there is still a lack of awareness among companies of the benefits of trading directly with Chinese companies in their local currency , which can reduce invoices by nearly 5 per cent , according to a recent Deutsche Bank survey .

  21. Flock边栏一次只能显示一类信息&社交网络和照片共享网站在一起,新闻源其次,剪贴板第三,而网络书签第四。

    Its sidebar can display only one type of information at a time & social networks and photo-sharing sites in one view , news feeds in a second , the clipboard in a third , and Web bookmarks in a fourth .

  22. 最近,日本新闻网(JNN)的一次民调显示,46%的公众反对这次改革,支持这次改革的则只有36%。

    A recent poll for JNN showed 46 per cent of the public against the changes compared with 36 per cent in favour .

  23. custom包提供了StackLayout,可以用它在一次只显示一个GUI的TabFolder(有些类似于没有选项卡的TabFolder)的顶部放置多个GUI。

    The custom package provides the StackLayout , which can be used to place multiple GUIs on top of each other with only one GUI showing at a time ( something like a TabFolder without the tabs ) .

  24. 其他猎头也同意这种观点:在线求职网络ExecuNet最近对招聘人员进行的一次调查显示,69%的招聘人员在十二月份安排接待的应征人员数量与其他月份持平,甚至更多。

    Other headhunters agree : a new survey of recruiters by online executive career network ExecuNet says that 69 % report place as many , or even more , candidates in December as in any other month .

  25. 最后一次统计显示绿党胜出。

    The last count showed that the green party was leading .

  26. 一次只显示一个选项卡。

    Only one tab at a time is showing .

  27. 最近的一次调查显示,泰国大约有30%的公司的首席执行官是由女性担任的。

    A recent survey reported about 30 percent of companies are led by female CEOs .

  28. 一次状态显示、温湿度控制、高压带电显示集成化。

    A status display , temperature and humidity control , high voltage hot-line display integration .

  29. 上一次调查显示,花费在过去10年中增长了超过一倍。

    In its last survey , it found that the cost had more than doubled in the last decade .

  30. 年会开始之际进行的一次调查显示,这些代表预计明年金价将涨至每盎司1914美元。

    In a survey taken at the beginning of the conference they predicted a gold price of $ 1,914 .