
  • 网络The Minutemen
  1. 激战中,八名一分钟人牺牲。英国军队继续向康科德镇进军。

    Eight Minutemen were killed , and the British continued toward Concord .

  2. 你就不能当一分钟的人跟我谈谈吗?

    Can you please be a human being for one minute and talk to me ?

  3. 在最后一分钟刚好有人打电话来退票。

    Someone had just phoned in a last minute cancellation .

  4. 你怎样娱乐观众呢?当你只有不到一分钟去给人印象?

    How do you entertain the viewer when you have less than a minute to make an impression ?

  5. 但实际上,只是迟到一分钟就会引人不爽--即使你的迟到并未给他们带来麻烦。

    In practice , though , being late by so much as a minute annoys people - even if your being late causes them no trouble at all .

  6. 一分钟前,每个人的代码都能够工作!

    A minute ago all their code worked !

  7. 疯狂的竞价仅用了一分钟——“有人出300035003500还有么,4000……”——最终这辆车卖了9500美元,超出预期。

    In a one-minute bidding spasm - " 3000 the bid , 3500 , 35 the bid , 4000 ... " - the car went for $ 9500 , beating expectations .