
  1. 该系统具备一次模式曲线无线传输的防护和列车自动控制的功能。

    The system has the functions of primary mode profile protection and automatic train control .

  2. 给出了一类三次曲线,它以Hermite曲线、Ball曲线、Bezier曲线以及Timmer曲线为特例。

    A class of cubic parameter curves are given . Hermite curve , Ball curve , Bezier curve and Timmer curve are its particular cases .

  3. 由一次场电阻率曲线料率导出的K剖面法,引出了激电二次场各参数的导数,从而建立了激电参数微分曲线法。

    The derivatives of various parameters in IP secondary field are derived from the K-section method of electrical exploration , which is derived from the slope of resistivity curve in primary field , and the IP differential parametric curve method is established .

  4. 对于速度大于250km/h的旅客列车,通过进站提前减速,用一次制动模式曲线方式能够实现3min追踪间隔。

    For passenger trains at a speed of 250 km / h and over , the headway of 3 min can be realized with the one-step braking curve mode plus deceleration in advance .

  5. 道比折回点是一次测量道比曲线理论可用范围的极限。

    The returning point of channel-ratio may be considered as the application limit of once measured channel ratio curves .

  6. 在射影几何中,二次曲线定理告诉我们任意五点可以决定一条二次曲线。

    According to the fUndamental theorem of coniC In projective geometry any five points can decide one conic section .

  7. 球界面在叠加深度剖面上,其视深度与y的关系是一条四次曲线。

    As for a sphere reflector on stacked depth section , the apparent depth versus y is a quadruplicate curve .

  8. 列车的速度-间隔控制采用一次制动模式曲线方式并以速度分级模式曲线方式作为备用模式。

    The speed-interval control of high-speed trains adopts the one-step braking curve mode , and multi-step braking curve is as a standby mode .

  9. 针对激光振镜扫描系统的图形畸变,根据由成像系统引起的几何畸变的后验校正法提出一种二次曲线校正模型。

    According to the graphic distortion of the laser galvanom , a kind of conic calibration model was put forward based on post-validation of geometry distortion caused by the imaging system .

  10. 本文将结合北京地铁2号线的设计,重点分析采用一次模式制动曲线控制方式和速度分级控制方式对列车最小间隔时分的影响。

    The paper highlights the analysis on the impacts of adopting primary mode braking curve control and speed hierarchical control on train minimum time interval by combining the design of Beijing Subway Line 2 .

  11. 假定表皮变形区具有一个二次曲线形式的位移场,根据最小功原理,得到变形区范围和压头载荷随压入位移的变化关系,并与有限元计算结果进行了比较分析。

    By assuming that skin deformation region has a quadratic field , relation of the range of deformation zone and indenter load with indenter displacement were obtained based on minimal work principle , which were compared and analyzed with results from finite element simulation .

  12. 一类五次PH曲线Hermite插值的几何方法

    Geometric Method for Hermite Interpolation by a Class of PH Quintics

  13. 基于一次Bézier曲线的DCT域鲁棒数字水印研究

    Research of Robust Watermarking in DCT Domain Based on B é zier Curve of the First Degree

  14. 利用Bezier曲线的良好性质,在两个控制顶点之间构造一条三次Bezier曲线,来近似地描述它们之间的最短路径,从而形成分片模型的边界。

    With the good nature of Bezier curve , construct a three Bezier curve between two control vertices to describe their shortest path approximately , forming a boundary of the segmentation model .

  15. 一种任意二次曲线半径补偿新算法

    A nwe algorithm of cutter compensation for curve of the second order

  16. 一类五次代数曲线的图形分类

    Graph Classification for a Class of Quintic Algebra Curves

  17. 一类三次参数曲线

    Class of cubic parameter curves

  18. 第四部分给出一类五次代数曲线,该曲线的非孤立闭分支能构成二次系统的同宿环。

    Finally , we present a kind of quintic curve whose non-isolated component can constitute the homoclinic cycle of the quadratic systems .

  19. 能直接绘制一次、二次曲线、三次多项式和三次样条曲线。

    This plotter can be used directly to plot the curves of linear and quadratic equations , cubic polynomial equations and cubic spline functions .

  20. 方程式是二次方程式的曲线或表面。虚圆点实际上是一退化的二次曲线。

    A curve or surface whose equation ( in Cartesian coordinates ) is of the second degree . The circular points are really a degenerate conic .

  21. 针对现有过渡曲线所存在的问题,提出一种以一次曲线主导,高次曲线过渡的新型过渡曲线。

    In order to solve the problems of the existing transition curve , a new transitional curve is proposed , which s a curve leading , high-order curve transition .

  22. 本文是在文[3]基础上的继续与发展,内容包括:(1)构造了一类三次参数曲线。

    This paper is the continuation and the development on the basis of the reference [ 3 ] . The paper contains the following aspects : 1 . A class of cubic parametric curve has been constructed .

  23. 本文将一个受二次曲线约束的质点动力学问题的求解归结为两个第一类超椭圆积分,从而首次得出该问题的解析解。

    Solving the dynamic problem of a particle bounded a quadratic curve has been reduced to two hyperelliptic integrals of the first kind , thus , an analytic solution of this problem has been achieved for the first time .

  24. 提出了一种空间二次曲线的表示方法,建立了空间二次曲线和平面二次曲线的坐标概念,给出了一种基于二次曲线的光流定义。

    A method of representing a conic in three-dimensional space is proposed , and the concept of the coordinates of the conies in two-dimensional and three-dimensional space is defined , then the definition of the optical flow of a conic is given .

  25. 本文提出导数分光光度阻尼因子矩阵法同时测定带有辅料或其它呈一次或二次曲线干扰吸收的多元混合组分的基本原理和实验方法。

    The basic principle and experimental method of derivative spectrophotometry & damping factor matrix method used to analyze the overlapped derive spectra are presented . The method-can be applied to simultaneous determination or multicomponent system with interference of excipients or other absorptions belonging to primary or quadratic curve absorptions .

  26. 高中数学教科书更新了一次又一次,圆锥曲线作为解析几何的经典内容一直占有十分重要的位置。

    Point conic plays a very important role in analytic geometry although textbooks for senior middle school have been updated many times .

  27. 因此,光顺一条具有端点(位置和切矢)约束的C~1连续的三次样条曲线时,最终会得到一条三次Hermite曲线。

    Hence , fairing a C ~ 1 cubic spline curve with endpoint ( position and tangent vector ) constraints will eventually lead to a cubic Hermite curve .