
  • 网络A Second;One Second
  1. 如果我们多救一秒钟,病人可能有更好的生存机会。

    If we save one second , the patient may have a better chance to live .

  2. 选取我最喜爱的贝克汉姆设计无需多花一秒钟。

    Choosing my favourite Beckham design took less than one second .

  3. 我为了帮助他而花掉的每一秒钟都令我不痛快。

    I begrudge every second I spent trying to help him .

  4. 她的设备每停产一秒钟,公司都要损失钱。

    Every second her equipment was off line cost the company money .

  5. 你一秒钟不动都做不到吗?

    Can 't you hold still for a second ?

  6. 分析师们没有浪费哪怕一秒钟的时间,马上把它拿来与苹果公司(Apple)类比。

    Analysts wasted no time making comparisons to Apple ( AAPL ) .

  7. 若要快捷操作的话,点击并按住手机的Home键一秒钟时间直接跳到这一步。

    For a shortcut , tap and hold the phone 's Home button for a second to jump directly to this .

  8. 在对临床X射线冠状动脉造影图像序列的实验中得到了满意的结果,匹配大约2000个点的血管骨架只需要一秒钟左右的时间。

    Experimental results of coronary arterial motion analysis from X-ray angiographic sequences are satisfactory . When matching about 2000 arterial skeleton points , we spent only 1 second .

  9. COPD患者骨密度与用力肺活量(FVC%)、一秒钟用力呼气量(FEV1%)及一秒率(FEV1/FVC%)均呈显著正相关(P<0.05)。

    BMD in COPD patients was positively correlated with FVC % , FEV1 % and FEV1 / FVC % ( P < 0.05 ) .

  10. 不使用互斥对象时,即使主线程在threadfunction()线程睡眠一秒钟期间内对myglobal加一,threadfunction()苏醒后也会覆盖主线程所加的值。

    Without the mutex , thread_function () will overwrite the incremented value when it wakes up if our main thread increments myglobal during thread_function () 's one-second nap .

  11. 每一秒钟,摩根斯坦利衍生交易席位上都有成百上千万美元的敞口,1000股Pet股票简直就是大象腿上的一根毛。

    The Morgan Stanley derivative desk had hundreds of millions of dollars in exposure at any given time . The1,000 shares of Pet was a pimple on an elephant 's posterior .

  12. 每秒脉冲(PPS)指的是在一秒钟内的脉冲或脉冲拨号次数。

    Pulses Per Second ( PPS ) refers to the number of pulses per second and the number of dial pulses per second .

  13. 方法采用一秒钟经皮肝脏穿刺活检法取得肝组织,进行病理形态学观察以及免疫组化法检测组织中HBsAg的表达,同步检测部分血清生化指标进行统计学分析。

    Methods Serum biochemical parameters of 46 patients were detected through percutaneous liver biopsy , we estimated the histopathologic injury of liver tissue and hepatic expression of HBsAg .

  14. 在这个示例中,创建WPAR大约需要花费六秒钟的时间,此外还需要大约一秒钟来运行该命令。

    In this case , it takes about six seconds to create the WPAR and about another second to run the command .

  15. 如果你有10万个(Lv)原子,一秒钟后就只剩一个了,再过几百毫秒就一个都不剩了。

    If you had 100000 atoms of Livermorium ( element 116 ) , after a second you 'd have one left-and a few hundred milliseconds later , that one would be gone , too .

  16. 只要一秒钟,想象“TED”这个词在你面前,它在你的脑子里,它就在那,在你面前。

    Just for a second , think about that word " TED " in front of you , so it 's in mind , and it 's there right in front of your mind .

  17. 这方面的例子是只要用户关联了双方的服务,Tweeter的用户状态更新一秒钟内就会显示在FriendFeed上。

    An example of this is the fact that user status updates from Twitter appear within a second on FriendFeed when the user has hooked up both services .

  18. 结果:试验组患者平均晨间最大呼气流量(PEF)的改善和一秒钟用力呼气量(FEV1)及无症状天数的增加较对照组明显(P<0.05)。

    Results : As compared with the control group , the improvement of the average peak expiratory flow ( PEF ) in the morning , the forced expiratory volume in 1 second ( FEV1 ) and no-symptom days significantly increased in the test group ( P < 0.05 ) .

  19. 再过一秒钟,那街垒便要被攻占了。

    A second more and the barricade would have been taken .

  20. 只需一秒钟气囊就能充满气。

    It takes only a second for the airbag to inflate .

  21. 有些计算机一秒钟能完成超过十亿次运算。

    Some computers can perform over a billion computation a second .

  22. 它一秒钟能印4份。

    It can make as many as four copies a second .

  23. 一秒钟的光景就无影无踪了。

    Just for a second , and then it 's gone .

  24. 我们生活的每一秒钟都在发送和接收信息。

    Every second of our lives we send and receive information .

  25. 当今社会的每一秒钟都繁衍出裂变式的信息。

    Explosive information is being produced every second in our world .

  26. 等一下,让我们先冷静一秒钟。

    Wait-wait-wait . Let 's just be calm for 1 second .

  27. 一秒钟后,麦格教授也出现了,抬着那东西的脚。

    Professor McGonagall appeared a second later , carrying its feet .

  28. 一秒钟也别离开我,我最亲爱的。

    Don 't leave me for a second , my dearest .

  29. 这个过程是自动---一秒钟的模仿。

    The process is automatic --- a split second mimicry . The

  30. 这一连串的思想,历时不到一秒钟,

    The whole train of thought did not occupy a second .