
zǐ wài chéng xiàng
  • UV imaging;ultraviolet imagery
  1. 紫外成像技术在变电站带电检测中的应用

    Application of Ultraviolet Imagery Technology in Substation Live Line Inspection

  2. 紫外成像检测技术在电力系统的应用

    The application of ultraviolet imagery detection technology in the electric power system

  3. 近二十年来,作为聚束和聚焦元器件的菲涅耳波带片因其在实现极紫外成像、X射线成像与对原子束聚焦等方面的应用与前景,受到了广泛关注。

    The Fresnel zone plate ( FZP ) is a kind of beam-forming and focusing device , which has attracted great attentions in the last two decades for its achieved and potential applications in the fields of extreme ultraviolet imaging , X-ray imaging , imaging and focusing of atoms .

  4. 在330nm处,器件获得最高的光电响应度为0.2A/W,相对应的外量子效率为75.2%。成像测试显示该器件具有良好的紫外成像特性。

    The highest responsivity of 0.2 A / W was obtained at wavelength of 330 nm , corresponding to an external quantum efficiency of 75.2 % .

  5. 紫外成像技术在电力设备故障检测中的应用初步研究

    Application of UV imaging technology in detecting electric power equipment fault

  6. 外界条件对紫外成像仪检测结果的影响

    Influence of External Condition on Test Result of Ultraviolet Imaging Meter

  7. 一种新型绝缘子带电检测方法&紫外成像法

    New Method to Detect Insulation On Line & Ultraviolet Image Method

  8. 提出一种新型的紫外成像检测系统。

    New type of UV imaging and detecting system is introduced .

  9. 用紫外成像检测电气设备外绝缘状况

    Detecting Outer Insulating Status for Electric Appliances by Way of UV Imaging

  10. 合成绝缘子的污闪特性和紫外成像特点

    The Performance of Pollution Flashover and UV Imaging Characteristics of Composite Insulator

  11. 其次对大气紫外成像光谱仪的波长定标技术进行了研究。

    Secondly , the wavelength calibration technology is studied .

  12. 高压电气设备紫外成像检测管理系统的开发与应用

    Development and Application of UV Imaging Detection Management System for High Voltage Electrical Equipment

  13. 紫外成像告警系统信噪比的研究

    Research on SNR of UV warning system imaging

  14. 基于紫外成像技术的极不均匀电场电晕放电

    Corona Discharge of the Severe Non-uniform Electric Field Based on the UV-light Imaging Technology

  15. 基于紫外成像的不同海拔下导线起晕特性的研究

    Research on Corona Onset Characteristics of Conductors at Different Altitudes Based on UV Imaging Technology

  16. 一种交叉的切尔尼&特纳型远紫外成像光谱仪紫外光谱法分析火场残留物汽油成分

    FUV Imaging Spectrometer Based on Crossed Czerny-Turner Structure Analysis of fireground residues of gasoline using UV spectrometer

  17. 紫外成像技术早期主要应用于军事领域,现又可用于警用刑侦的现场侦查取证等领域。

    Its early application is in military field and today extends to police for detection and inspection .

  18. 近年来紫外成像技术在电力设备检测中越来越普及,受到认可。

    In recent years , UV imaging technology is more popular and recognized in the power equipment detection .

  19. 首先研究了大气紫外成像光谱仪的视场定标技术,包括总视场定标和空间响应函数测量。

    Firstly , the viewing calibration is studied , including the FOV calibration and the spatial response function measurement .

  20. 纺织品防紫外线性能的检测标准近况外界条件对紫外成像仪检测结果的影响

    Present status of standards for determination of UV-protective textiles Influence of External Condition on Test Result of Ultraviolet Imaging Meter

  21. 本课题就是将二者有机地联系起来,开发出基于紫外成像的复合绝缘子人工污秽试验装置,在此基础上,进行基于紫外成像技术的人工污秽试验,并分析污秽闪络的影响因素。

    This paper organically linked artificial contamination tests and UV imaging technology together , and developed artificial contamination test equipment of composite insulators , which is based on UV imaging .

  22. 在论文中,利用紫外成像仪观测了复合绝缘子表面水珠放电和金具放电的特点,并研究了放电对硅橡胶材料憎水性的影响。

    Then the paper study the discharge characteristics for the water droplets and fittings of silicone rubber insulator by UV imaging device , and study the effect of corona discharge on the hydrophobicity of silicone rubber .

  23. 因此提出一种新的检测方法&紫外成像法,即通过用紫外成像仪观察线路绝缘子的紫外成像特点来分析其沿面放电特点,从而判断绝缘子的运行状态。

    This method employs the ultraviolet radiation imaging instrument to monitor the characteristic of the ultraviolet radiation of the line insulator , analyze the discharge characteristic along the surface of the insulator and then estimate the operation condition of the insulator .

  24. 本文应用紫外成像检测技术,研究了测量导线起晕电压的方法,并应用此方法在四个不同海拔高度的地方,对电晕笼中导线进行了起晕特性试验研究。

    UV imaging detection technology is applied in this paper to study the measurement method of corona onset voltage of conductors . Corona onset characteristics tests of conductors in corona cage are carried out in four different altitude regions by this method .

  25. 结果在紫外凝胶成像仪下,可观察到经两种方法染色的DNA条带清晰,亮度相当。

    Results Under the UV transilluminator , DNA strips stained by GV could be seen with the same brightness as those stained by EB .

  26. 紫外荧光成像技术在馆藏壁画保护研究中的应用

    The Application of UVF Photography Techniques in Research of Conservation of Wall Paintings

  27. 浅表性膀胱癌模型的建立及其活体荧光成像数码紫外荧光成像技术与原棉异纤检测

    Whole-body fluorescent imaging in the mouse model of superficial bladder cancer Foreign Fibers Detection Based on Digital Cameras and Ultraviolet Fluorography

  28. 本文介绍了基于楔条型阳极的紫外单光子成像系统,分析了引起图像畸变的原因。

    Ultraviolet single photon imaging system with wedge and strip anode is introduced and the influence factor leading to image distortion is analyzed .

  29. 介绍了基于微通道板和楔条形阳极的紫外单光子成像系统的组成和工作原理。

    The structure and working principle of an ultraviolet single photon imaging system based on the microchannel plates and the wedge and strip anode are introduced .

  30. 紫外双光谱成像技术是光谱技术和成像技术的合成,是针对军事需求而发展起来的新型检测技术,图像融合是该技术的重要组成部分。

    UV double spectra imaging technology consist of spectro-technique and imaging technology , which is mainly for the military application , and image fusion is an important part of it .