
  1. 从紫阳民歌看紫阳民俗(中)

    The Customs and Folk Songs In Ziyang ( B )

  2. 通过对紫阳民歌现状的分析,笔者对其未来发展提出了一些思考。

    Through the analyzing the current situation of Ziyang folk song , the author tries to put forward some considerations about its developments in futures .

  3. 通过对紫阳民歌歌词的分析,我们看到紫阳民歌中不仅有紫阳地区丰富多样的本地文化,且有大量由移民带入的外地文化。

    With analyzing the words on Ziyang folk song , we can see that it includes not only the variety local culture in Ziyang area , but also the foreign culture from the immigrants .

  4. 具体的研究内容主要涵盖以下三部分:一、紫阳民歌自产生、发展至今已有上千年的历史,是紫阳地区最活跃、最受当地老百姓喜欢的民间艺术。

    The concrete research contains three parts : 1 . There is thousands of years from its production and development , which is the most active and popular folk arts for the people there .