
  1. 该辐射计结构紧凑、性能稳定,并利用NIST标准探测器的响应度标准推导出了高精度紫外辐射计自身的响应度标准,自身不确定度仅为1.3%。

    It has stable performance , compact construction . And the responsivity standard had been deduced by using the standard of he NIST standard detector .

  2. 文章着重讨论了便携式紫外辐射计的硬件实现方法。

    The design method of the radiometer hardware is emphatically discussed .

  3. 利用太阳&大气紫外光谱辐射计(SAUVS),测量到达北京地表的太阳直接和散射紫外光谱辐射,给出反演大气气溶胶光学厚度的一种方法。

    Based on the direct and scattering irradiance spectra measurements of ultraviolet waveband arrived at Beijing ground surface by the Sun-Atmosphere Ultraviolet Spectrum Radiometer ( SAUVS ), a method for retrieving the atmospheric aerosols optical depth ( AOD ) is given in this paper .

  4. 标准太阳紫外光谱辐射计

    Spectroradiometer for Solar Ultraviolet Spectral Irradiance Measurement

  5. 紫外线辐射强度的观测主要使用紫外光谱辐射计与滤光片式的紫外辐射表。

    Al . Observation of surface sunny ultraviolet radiation is mainly done by the UV spectroradiometer and filter ultraviolet radiation meter .

  6. 利用积分球光源定标空间紫外遥感光谱辐射计

    Spectral radiance responsivity calibration of ultraviolet remote sensing spectroradiometer in space using integrating sphere

  7. 空间紫外遥感光谱辐射计光谱辐亮度定标三种方法的比较

    Comparison of Spectral Radiance Calibrations of Spectroradiometer for Ultraviolet Space Remote Sensing Using Three Calibration Techniques

  8. 本实验反映出紫外辐照对绝对辐射计锥腔的吸收率是有影响的,可为将来的星载太阳辐射监测仪优化、实验、测量和校正提供必要的参考。

    The experiment indicates that the UV irradiance has influence on the absorptivity of the cavity of absolute radiometer on satellites . The result also might supply essential reference for optimization , experiment , measurement and calibration of the solar irradiance monitor on satellites in future .

  9. 并以NIST(美国国家标准技术研究院)紫外标准探测器为核心元件,构建了一套高精度紫外辐射计。

    The High Accuracy UV Radiometer ( HAUR ) whose core element using NIST standard detector has been established .