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  1. Ti3+中的d-d电子跃迁是紫色翡翠呈色的主要原因。

    D-d electron transition in Ti 3 + is considered to be the main cause of purple jadite coloration .

  2. 紫色翡翠的特征及成色机理探讨

    Characteristics of Violet Jadeite Jade and Probe into Its Colouration Mechanism

  3. 紫色翡翠呈色机制探讨

    The coloring mechanisms of purple Jadeite

  4. 鉴于紫色翡翠呈色机制复杂,至今在矿物学界、珠宝学界尚无统一认识,通过使用三件紫色系列翡翠样品作电子探针、透射光谱及吸收光谱分析,并进行了相关讨论。

    There has been no consistent understanding of the coloration mechanism of purple jadeite in mineral and jewelry circle till now due to its complexity .

  5. 蓝紫色翡翠发蓝紫色荧光,阴极发光谱峰位于370nm(次)和508nm(主)处。

    The bluish purple jadeite jade shows the bluish purple cathodoluminescence and the peak is at 370 nm ( secondary ) and 508 nm ( dominant ) .

  6. 认为:不同紫色翡翠因所含有的过渡金属离子种类、含量不同,致使起主导作用的致色离子表现出不同的呈色机制;

    It is concluded that different purple jadeites possess different coloration mechanism due to different kinds and amounts of metallic transition ions of the jadeite , which act as main coloration ions .

  7. 紫色翡翠在黄光下观察,会显得紫色较实际为深,所以应在自然光下观看为好,对此应予注意。

    Purple Jade was observed under the yellow light would make it more practical for deep purple , it should be under natural light , watch for good , which should be noted .

  8. 粉紫色、紫色翡翠发较明亮的紫红色&红紫色荧光,其阴极发光谱峰位于370nm(主)和680nm(次)或者370nm(次)和680nm(主)处,取决于紫色调的深浅;

    The pinkish purple and purple jadeite jades show the bright purplish red-reddish purple cathodoluminescence and the peak is at 370 nm ( dominant ) and 680 nm ( secondary ) or 370 nm ( secondary ) and 680 nm ( dominant ), depending on the shade of purple ;