
D-d electron transition in Ti 3 + is considered to be the main cause of purple jadite coloration .
Characteristics of Violet Jadeite Jade and Probe into Its Colouration Mechanism
The coloring mechanisms of purple Jadeite
There has been no consistent understanding of the coloration mechanism of purple jadeite in mineral and jewelry circle till now due to its complexity .
The bluish purple jadeite jade shows the bluish purple cathodoluminescence and the peak is at 370 nm ( secondary ) and 508 nm ( dominant ) .
It is concluded that different purple jadeites possess different coloration mechanism due to different kinds and amounts of metallic transition ions of the jadeite , which act as main coloration ions .
Purple Jade was observed under the yellow light would make it more practical for deep purple , it should be under natural light , watch for good , which should be noted .
The pinkish purple and purple jadeite jades show the bright purplish red-reddish purple cathodoluminescence and the peak is at 370 nm ( dominant ) and 680 nm ( secondary ) or 370 nm ( secondary ) and 680 nm ( dominant ), depending on the shade of purple ;