
zǐ zhū
  • Callicarpa;Japanese beauty-berry;folium callicarpae pedunculalae
紫珠[zǐ zhū]
  1. RP-HPLC法测定裸花紫珠胶囊中芦丁的含量

    Determination of Rutin in Folium Callicarpae Nudiflorae Capsules by RP-HPLC

  2. 裸花紫珠总黄酮的抗炎、止血作用研究

    Study of total flavonoids of callicarpa nudiflora on anti-inflammatory and hemostasis effects

  3. 中药紫珠开发研究的设想

    Consideration about the Research and Development of Callicarpa Dichotoma

  4. 首次建立了大叶紫珠茎的质量控制方法。

    The quality control methods of Callicarpa macrophylla Vahl .

  5. 裸花紫珠片在二氧化碳激光术后的应用

    Application of Beautyberry Pills after CO_2 laser Therapy

  6. 紫珠属药用植物体外抗氧化作用

    Effect of Callicarpa Herbs on Antioxidation in vitro

  7. 裸花紫珠片联合阿达帕林凝胶治疗寻常痤疮的临床研究

    Clinical efficacy and safety of callicarpa nudiflora combining with adapalene 0.1 % gel for acne vulgaris

  8. 面对中药深度开发的思考中药紫珠开发研究的设想

    Idea About Deep Exploitation of Chinese Herbs Consideration about the Research and Development of Callicarpa Dichotoma

  9. 介绍了江西省紫珠属药用植物种类、地理分布、本草记载、临床疗效等。

    The paper reports the species geographical distrubition herbal records and curative effect of medicinal plant of Callicarpa in Jiangxi province .

  10. 目的制备裸花紫珠软膏,并对主要成分进行含量测定,其制剂稳定性进行了部分项目的考察。

    Objective Prepared the Folium Callicarpa Nudiflora Ointment , carried out the content determination of key components and examination of the preparation stability on partial items .

  11. 通过加热和过滤提纯的紫胶,常为橙色或黄色薄片,但有时也被漂白。裸花紫珠片联合阿达帕林凝胶治疗寻常痤疮的临床研究

    Lac purified by heating and filtering ; usually in thin orange or yellow flakes but sometimes bleached white . Clinical efficacy and safety of callicarpa nudiflora combining with adapalene 0.1 % gel for acne vulgaris