
  1. 对于大米淀粉的长期回生,水分含量60%时,大米支链淀粉最易重结晶,淀粉体系长期回生速度最快。

    Amylopectin was re-crystallized the most easily with a water content of 60 % .

  2. 易形成重结果、不重过程的管理方式。

    It formed the management style of heavy result , not heavy course .

  3. 也要研究能使供体细胞经过处理后更易受重编程因子作用的方法。

    And it is also necessary to study the method that could make the donor chromosome sensitive to the reprogram factors .

  4. 进行无功补偿时广泛使用真空断路器作为并联电容器组的开关控制元件,其操作性能劣化后,突出的表现就是极易发生重燃和操作过电压危害。

    Vacuum breaker is widely applied in the reactive power compensation as the switch of shunt capacitor banks , which will cause reignition and over-voltage after the switching performance gets deteriorated .

  5. 此一喷出物同时包含重元素和氢,但在某些区域较易看到重元素,而在其他区域则较易看到氢。

    This outflow contains both heavy elements and hydrogen , but in some regions the heavy elements are easier to see , and in other regions the hydrogen is easier to see .

  6. 小分子化合物虽然具有良好的成膜性、较高的载流子迁移率以及较好的热稳定性,但易发生重结晶,导致器件稳定性下降,所以具有稳定结构的金属螯合物值得关注。

    Although the small molecule compounds have favorable film forming , high carrier mobility and nice thermal stability , they are prone to crystallization which results in decreased device stability . Therefore the metal chelates with stable structure are worth concerning .

  7. 针对软土地区单桩静载试验中常用的基准梁百分表沉降量测系统易受压重平台影响的问题,提出将精密水准仪作为静载试验的沉降量测系统。

    The method using precise leveling instrument as settlement observation system of static load test in the soft sail is pro-posed herein , for the reasons that conventional combined base beam and dial gauger observation system is easily affected by load platform .

  8. 据澳大利亚昆士兰大学的一项最新研究表明,与伴侣同住的女性(这种情况,我们可进一步称之为丈夫)比独居的女性更易增重。

    According to a recent study conducted by the University of Queensland in Australia , women who live with a partner ( in this case , let 's go ahead and read husband ) tend to gain more weight than women who live completely alone .

  9. 然而,起重机在作业过程中极易引起吊重的摆动,引发安全事故。

    However , the crane is apt to cause payload oscillation in operation process , which can cause accidents .

  10. 不易家庭为重的人更加独立,反传统,喜欢参加派对和社交活动。

    People that are not family oriented tend to be individualistic , unconventional , and very much enjoy attending parties and social functions .

  11. 结论置胃管于下唇中部,采用棉线或粘膏两步固定法固定胃管,具有不易脱落,重插次数少的优点。

    Conclusion The methods of fixing the gastric tube on the lower lip using thread or sticking mastic has the advantage of less detubation than the method of fixing the tube in the angle of the mouth .

  12. 易坐果,单果重5-6kg,平均单产4000kg/667m2。

    Fruit weights is 5-6 kg , and the average yield is 4 000 kg / 667 m2 .

  13. 有简单取向关系的两个晶体在倒易空间中有部分倒易点相重。

    For two phases having a simple orientation relationship , some of the reciprocal points coincide in the reciprocal space .