
  1. 任务的设计应由简到繁、由易到难、层层深入。

    Task-designing goes step by step , from simple to complicated .

  2. 阅读材料是由易到难安排的。

    The reading materials are arranged from easy to difficult .

  3. 对于滴滴来说,苹果这笔现金来得正是时候,该公司正陷入一场昂贵的补贴大战,另一方是优步中国(UberChina),以及易到(Yidao)和神州(Shenzhou)两家中国共乘应用初创企业。

    Apple 's cash arrives at a crucial time for Didi , as it is locked in an expensive subsidy war with Uber China , as well as two other Chinese ride-sharing start-ups , Yidao and Shenzhou .

  4. 《旅行者IQ大挑战》按照由易到难的顺序,一开始会让玩家用10秒钟左右在地图上找出伦敦之类的比较知名的城市或景点,很快接下来的提问会越来越难,例如找出土库曼斯坦的首都阿什哈巴德(Ashkabat)。

    Traveler IQ starts out asking users to locate some of the better known cities and attractions in the world , like London , giving users a limit of about 10 seconds to pinpoint them on a map . The locations quickly get harder with cities like Ashkabat , Turkmenistan .

  5. 儿童复句由易到难逐步发展起来;

    Children acquired the compound sentence from easiness to difficulty gradually .

  6. 只是技术上的由易到难,而不是视觉感受上的训练。

    Only a technical , rather than training on the visual experience .

  7. 通过分析,对融资方式按从易到难的顺序进行了排列。

    Through analyzing , we sequence the financing methods from easy to hard .

  8. 从易到难,循序渐进的思路。

    The idea that we should reform from the easy to the difficult and step by step .

  9. 另外,由易到难编排语法点,对难点的处理是必不可少的。

    Besides , to arrange the grammars from easy to difficult , books should deal with the difficulties .

  10. 各种花器官外植体诱导愈伤组织由易到难依次为花托花丝子房花柱花瓣。

    Callus induction were different from easy to difficult , the order was receptacle filament ovary stigma petal .

  11. 本文仍然由易到难,首先估计了公司所面临的单个货币的外汇经济风险暴露;

    The least-squares estimation method measures economic exposure by regressing the firm 's value and the exchange rates .

  12. 但是,岁月的流逝和连续战乱使人们易到之处遭到了严重的破坏。

    Nevertheless , the impact of time and endless wars rendered some most accessible parts of the wall severely devastated .

  13. 我们设计数学建模课程的思路是,分三个阶段,由易到难分步骤实施。

    We designed three stages to implement mathematical model curriculum step by step , from easy stage to difficult stage .

  14. 贾澜(音译)是租车服务门户网站“易到用车网”的招聘主管,她更喜欢应聘者能够直截了当的讨论薪资问题。

    Jia Lan , a recruiting manager from Yongche.com , a car-renting service portal , prefers candidates to lay the cards on the table .

  15. 另一家叫车应用易到用车(YidaoYongche)的高管们上月表示,他们“卷入了烧钱的漩涡”。

    Executives from another rival carhailing app , Yidao Yongche , said last month that they are " entrapped in a cash burning vortex . "

  16. 当然,新区行政体制改革应进行策略选择,由易到难,分阶段进行。

    Of course , administrative system reform of the New Area should choose the strategy and be conducted from easy to difficult and in different periods .

  17. 在内容编排上,各领域内容齐头并进、相互融合,各部分内容由易到难、分散安排。

    In arranging the content , every part of the content advances side by side mixes together , and is arranged from easy part to difficult part .

  18. 从理论上来说,提出了一套从易到难进行研究的风险评估研究思路和方法;

    In terms of ( theory ), a suit of risk evaluation study method and idea are put forwarded for study purpose from easy to difficult sequence ;

  19. 他们为滴滴和易到开车,为阿里巴巴和京东(JD.com)投递包裹,也为口碑和饿了么送外卖餐。

    They drive cars for Didi Chuxing and Yidao Yongche , deliver packages for Alibaba Group and JD.com , and fetch takeout meals for Koubei and Eleme .

  20. 对语言点的选择、排序、出现频率的编写设计要科学合理,遵循由易到难、适合学习的原则。

    The choice of language , sorting , frequency of writing to scientific and reasonable design , follow from easy to difficult , for the principle of learning .

  21. 李荣先生说,从自己的母语入手研究方言,可由易到难,少走许多弯路。

    According to Mr. Li Rong , we can encounter fewer difficulties and avoid some detours in the study of a dialect if we start from our own dialect .

  22. 对红蔷薇、红王子锦带、万峰桧柏3个扦插生根由易到难的品种,分别进行了全光自动喷雾扦插和地窖式扦插试验,采用双因素随机区组设计。

    Using two-factor randomized block design , the experiment of cutting with full exposure automatic mist spraying and in cellar on Rosa rugosa Thunb , Weigela Thunb and Sabina chinenses .

  23. 从学生认识能力出发,应从感性到理性,由易到难,从局部到整体;

    When considering students ' acquisition abilities , it is better to start from the emotional to the rational , the easy to the difficult , and the part to the whole ;

  24. 结果表明:1.随着稀土合金含量的增加,在氧化过程中临界钝化电流先增大后减小,氧化反应由易到难。

    The results were as follows . 1 . Critical passivation current first increased then decreased and the oxidation reaction was more and more difficult along with increasing content of rare earth elements .

  25. 教材编排要遵循从易到难,循序渐进的原则,建议从初级、中级和高级三个阶段来编写社会称呼语教材。

    The arrangement of teaching materials should from easy to difficult , follow the principle of gradual . And we also suggest that dividing the process into beginner , intermediate advanced three stages .

  26. 同时,供给系统的效率是基础,提高供给系统转换系数也很重要。(2)从易到难,循序渐进的思路。

    It is important to raise the " transfer coefficient " in provision systems ;( 2 ) The idea that we should reform from the easy to the difficult and step by step .

  27. 其次,在传记的选材上,曾巩主张写人人所易到之事,并采用详者人数事、略者一二事而已的方法进行创作。

    Secondly , in the biographical material , Zeng Gong wrote that " everyone is easy to do ", and the " detail number , one or two things slightly " methods to create .

  28. 直接学习,类似习得的学习方式要求情境化的创设,并且在活动环节的设置上要遵循思维发展由易到难的规律,体现出探索性。

    Direct learning as the way we learn native language need scene creation and set the activity links obey the rule of thinking development , that is from easy to difficult , it should be embody exploratory .

  29. 本文通过对渐增网高的控制与变化,组成由易到难的教学序列,应用运动技能迁移的原理,有计划、有步骤地开展了扣球技术教学,丰富了现有的排球教学训练手段和方法。

    The paper discusses how to enhance the difficulty sequence through controlling and changing the height of the volleyball net gradually in volleyball teaching , and how to apply athletic skill transfer principles into smash skill teaching .

  30. 甘蔗是我国重要的糖料作物,由于生长期长,在大田生产过程中易到受杂草的威胁和害虫危害,造成减产减收,选育高抗性品种成为解决这一问题的有效方法。

    Sugarcane is the important sugar crops in our country . In the longer growing time , sugarcane was vulnerable to the threat of pests and weeds harm in the field and finally was caused the lower production .